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Displaying 148-168 of 411 results.

What styles of cuff work with alphabet beads?

Hiiii ^_^ I'm new to making kandi and am still learning to make cuffs. I have a bunch of alphabet beads and want to make some cuffs with multiple rows of text, but I only know how to make peyote stitch cuffs, which turns the beads sideways. What's ur fave type of cuff to use alphabet beads for?

2/2/2022 10:33 am 3 888

scary movie booooooo lil tw? just because of the movie- if you've seen it-


i luv the movie split (well all horror movies) but i remembered split and now im watching it

everytime I see a new personality fronting (well ik he doesnt really have DID but when another personality is portrayed) i ***ociate it with one of our identities

Barry reminds me a lot of rinn. Very creative and artistic, and very unproblematic. Faes so chill, they just draw and live their life

and ooo Hedwig is just like milo when milo's little

2/3/2022 03:15 pm 0 276

Abelism In Star vs The Forces of Evil (Tw: Cops, Abelism, Spoliers,Caps)

I just wanna say I am sorry for posting so much threads. I am just trying to get used to this site. I am also not in the best places.

But I was watching SvTfOe and I noticed something.

So it was the episode where Star uses the Whisper Spell on her wand to save Marco from the s*** bag Toffee.

When Marco's parents find out that Marco is gone they call the cops.

When Star tells the cop what has happened, he bends down, hands on his knees (like you would do when …

3/12/2022 06:58 pm 0 361

uh on account of scenecore "posers"/srs

this is kinda a ramble and not directed at any1 in particular!!

uh so idk recently ive been seeing a lot of h8 2wards ppl who r "scenecore" or other stuff like that.. but like im not gonna get into the whole drama abt poserz and stuff. my main problem is how ive seen new ppl come on here and post a thread abt some topic relating 2 "scenecore" and b met w a ton of stuff abt being a poser and stuff-

idk abt u but wen i was first getting into alt fashion i didnt fully …

3/21/2022 06:12 pm 11 740

things of the people of my school

feel free to share ur own in the comments but just in this one advisory cl***... its been eventful

-cruz is talking about his cousin's swimsuits

-mason is going to alaska!! unfortunately not until july tho.

-my friend licked me in gym after i said he has cooties scared

-sam is watching one piece

-my friend said the n word last week and um i got food thrown at me bc …

4/4/2022 07:17 am 6 583

Pls help- (Not kandi related, just advice in general) (Somewhat serious??) (Mention of religion)

Ok woo I saw someone ask for like life advice here before and normally I wouldn't do that on kANDIPATTERNS.COM but my issue is pretty venial imo so I think it's cool if I do? Lol?
Bro, how do you stop worrying about what people think of you?? It's literally been ruining everything for me like I'm so tired about worrying if this opinion is going to make people h8 me cuz it's a "Hot take" or "Problematic" like I'm always compromising my opinions just so some …

4/7/2022 02:16 pm 15 1142

Got bored, wrote this in science instead of doing work ( vent/rant??)

BEFORE ANYONE SAYS SMTH ALONG THE LINES OF " this I kandipatterns you shouldn't vent/rant on here" the title mentioned it was a semi vent/rant so if you don't wanna see that don't click on it, everyone can read on here and this is coming from someone who is dyslexic /npa /srs /gen


You don't know me anymore

Sure we may be best friends

But it feels like we're strangers

My favorite color is purple, its no longer red

I prefer…

4/11/2022 09:03 am 5 407

the wild ride of me getting locked out of the house

a few months ago my basement flooded. we’ve obviously cleaned up the water since then but the furniture and stuff is still rearranged and it’s still a mess. my siblings and i have to clean the basement before sunday, but i’ve been the only one home leaving me to do it by myself. okay, fine.

i started yesterday and got a good process down: lock the dogs outside with food and water, check in them every couple of minutes, turn on the tv and blast bears in trees, switch between the …

4/16/2022 12:40 pm 0 275

GLSEN day of silence /safe

Is anyone else participating today? if so, how? (full silence, breaks if needed, supporting but speaking)

edit: i emailed my teachers about it so they know ahead of time and most of them (all that actually replied) have been super supportive !

edit 2: ive slipped up 3 times so far. twice w my friend because she keeps trying to trick me into speaking which is actually …

4/22/2022 05:28 am 10 981

pls help // tw: mention of parents being abusive n whatnot

i was just in the kitchen, everything was fine. i was walking toward the living room to get to my room bc its on the other side of the house than the kitchen, my mom stands right in my way and i tell her to move out of my way, she does but my oh so lovely dad (/sarc) takes his hat off and throws it at my stomach and corners me in the kitchen to further yell at me telling me not to talk to my parents like that when all i did was tell my mom to move, now in my house the way we tell ppl…

5/1/2022 03:25 pm 8 261

is it bad that some of my friends make me upset/angry alot

so some of my irl friends have been making me just so angry with the way they say things, do things and ask me to do things they just kind of step all over me cuz they know I cant say no to people. They will talk crap about this one toxic friend we all had but then act JUST like them idk if I'm the a*****e or nah but yah if u need me to explain stuff to figure this out just ask me thx for the help

5/5/2022 04:24 pm 11 689

A lot of apologies?? Im so confused /gen

I visit this site time to time and half of threads are apologies? Im really confused. Isnt this place for sharing a joy of making kandi? angry Now I see lots of private stuff that has nothing to do with this topic. I can understand the threads about fandoms and intrests, but not venting or personal information.

Of …

5/8/2022 07:41 am 4 515

Is selling Kandi a bad thing? (+ Examples of my kandi creations!)

Basically, I remember watching someone on youtube during the very beginning of my kandi journey to NEVER sell kandi because of something along the lines of "kandi kids don't like when people sell stuff because it's such a simple craft to teach to others," and "We don't sell kandi, only trade." Is this true? Or does it depend on the kandi kid? I would honestly love to offer some sort of kandi making lessons in my community/sell some of my singles, perlers, and cuffs, because my …

5/11/2022 11:32 am 19 1388

Hey people of earth, I've decided -Ash/minus

colorfulhearts(In short I'm not quitting)

Greetings uh if some of you people didn't see, a few days ago I said I might be quitting (during the raid which, glad we came together as a community) I've decided im not! Uh im still struggling but, I've found my worth and i feel so …

5/28/2022 01:02 am 8 425

journey of finding stuff about stickers i found cause i dont wanna spam my friends lmao - algae

(ill update while i find more stickers! probably wont take them as thats mean but i got given these, caps tw )

got 5ish stickers, ones an approval thing (A SEKTIONEN APPROVES), ones just an electric scooter (bolt electric scooter instruction), and ones a graffiti artist in sweden (dysfori: scroll down and you'll find a image of his stuff (i dont live in …

6/17/2022 11:55 am 5 387

should i sell some of my kandi? is it okay?

soo, a lot of people in my family are telling me to start selling kandi. im not sure if thats a good idea or not and i feel like i need some advice. it could be good because ill get money from it and then i can buy more beads/string, but i also like most of my kandi and i like trading with my friends(and i guess some people dont like it when you sell kandi). part of me wants to sell because it might make someone happy and i can buy more beads and string with the money but i also dont want …

7/9/2022 12:08 pm 3 733

identity isn't a matter of opinion.

you can't "disagree" with someone's identity. it doesn't matter if you don't understand it, you just. can't. we went over this with ****phobes and transphobes, why aren't you keeping the same energy when it's another q***r person???

don't drink the TERF kool-aid, don't eat the exclusionist applesauce. it doesn't matter if someone's gender and sexuality don't match up perfectly. it doesn't matter if …

8/22/2022 07:26 am 0 238

posting photos of a bag i made

hi i was wondering if anyone knew if i could post pics of a bag i made if i cant get permission from the original pattern(s) creator(s)? i used about 4 patterns in the bag and i was only able to get into contact with 2(ish)* ops, the last one hasnt been online in years and has no alternative forms of contact. I could sensor that part of the bag but that would kind of ruin the reason of posting the bag in the first place

(*one hasnt replied yet but has been online in the past…

9/5/2022 10:39 pm 3 339

Explain the things of today of a 14 year old with the soul of a 41 year old (pls)

hi ya'll i have some questions about the current things going on sometimes im a bit out of the loop.

1: why so many /(insert letter) like ik tone tags but it seems overused yeh? do ppl rly need tone tags that badly?? esp like /caps ones where then it like immediatly goes to caps
2: whats wrong with austrailia are they ok??
3: please explain current memes (As a whole) i do not understand :,(
4: what did james charles do
5: what did gabbie hanna do

10/31/2022 10:22 pm 4 328

Where to find specific color of pony beads?

I’ve been making a cuff that uses a LOT of one color, and I’ve almost run out of it. These beads came in one of those organized boxes of multiple different colors of beads, so it isn’t easy for me to reliably get this color of beads without also getting all the other ones again. The bead color is also specifically a pearlescent/metallic blue. Does anybody know where I could get that in bulk

11/23/2022 01:11 pm 3 589

ideas of kandi to sell at school event?

hi all!!!!

so my school's art show is coming up and i've decided to sell kandi there!! but i wanna get an opinion of what y'all think i should make a lot of to sell well

so far my friends have suggested that i sell peyote pride cuffs (there's a lot of q***r kids at my school lol so i know these will sell like CRAAAZZYYYY), flower cuffs, multicolored singles, and star hand thingies (yknow what im talking about?)
there was a kid last year who sold kandi …

11/30/2022 05:38 pm 15 537