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Displaying 127-147 of 411 results.

me talking about a lot of things/pos (no typing quirk because its gonna be a lot of words)

some backround info i do competitive dance/dance competitions and at dance cl*** i saw my teacher had a edc lanyard so i was asking her about it and about kandi and found out she makes kandi too! we were talking about some of the stuff she makes and the stuff i make and just things we enjoy and it was really fun because i had never met someone in person who likes kandi she also said she wanted to trade with me and i was really excited because i had never traded with anyone before so i wanted …

5/13/2021 10:05 pm 4 589

ugh kind of a rant but needs to be said

i use pinterest a LOT, and on just insta tiktok and specifically pinterest, ive been seeing a lot of 'iNdIe' content, theres 100% nothing wrong w being indie and its a really cute style but my main problem is 1: a lot of the people from this subculture used to make fun of scene kids and some still do and now are claiming to be alt kao no 6/11/2021 03:55 pm 13 1181

little rant,, (no heavy topics !! just a cw for caps/a bit of swearing)

today it just seemed that everyone was mad at me in some way. my best friend Max won't talk to me and just is ignoring me bc of how I said that when they try to talk to me when I'm talking to someone else it makes me extremely stressed. I can't help that, it's bc of my ADHD, plus its just extremely annoying. then at lunch ppl were talking bad about me bc I kissed someone WHO I'M DATING without consent, beware I get my mistake but then they talked bad about me, and the…

6/18/2021 09:54 am 0 242

anyone else have a bunch of beads of one color that u dont use but takes over all the space

i have a whole bunch of red beads and i dont actually use red that much so there's just s o m u c h. i keep my kandi beads in this big tin so the colors aren't separated and i have to try to ignore the fact that im running out of every other color and soon the entire tin will be red. it's gonna be a while til i can buy new beads so until then i will suffer big grin

6/18/2021 03:06 pm 28 1508

first day of school

so today was my first day of school i had 3 cl***es with a rlly toxic old friend and three cl***es with some dude i used to like and it was kinda awkward bc he knew i used to like him and he also used to liked me but my science teacher is rlly cool and chill none of my close friends are in my cl***es and this is probably me overreacting but i feel like im not gonna be that close with one of them (she has a lot of friends from other cl***es and camp already) and we were barely able to talk …

8/11/2021 09:48 pm 0 342

helpme ft. oversharing and lots of typos (vent)

uh,dmsd,jsdhf,mbmfbvs,s im having trouble identifying my feelings ok so i used to (online)date this person but i ended it after a while bc i found myself stressing myself out more than being happy with them and also i think (or thought) i was aromantic i felt guilty bc in my mind they were still a friend and i wasn't rlly taking the relationship seriously and they were so i ended it without telling them that (bc im stupid) and just said i had to take a break bc my mental health was bad …

9/2/2021 09:27 pm 0 294

:/ (cw mention of panic attack/anxiety attack)

I had a terrible anxiety attack earlier

I was at school

I’m tired of telling ppl abt it so just take that lol

I also had a terrible ***htmare

At the end of it I thought I could hear my sister panicking from across the house (she’s not home from school yet so how my brain conjured up such detailed audio of her doing that alludes me)

I also heard this piercing ringing in my ears at one point in the dream and my vision went blurry for a second. It felt like …

10/5/2021 02:06 pm 2 300

which of my neos should i make into singles?? :3

i'm makin singles for all of my neos, so which should i do 1st?? heres my google doc of all of them big grin***ent/d/14kPEvidgoMqXNT... (/safe) i've already done bee/bees, pol/pollens, n end/enders so obviously i wont make those ones …

10/12/2021 04:43 pm 6 696

does n e 1 have a list of diff types of 3D cuffs !

kao happy heyhey !! I was curious if there was a comprehensive list out there as I’m trying to make a bucket list of kandi i wanna create but it’s kinda hard without one lolz,, i know of the basics [cage, ladder, ufo, etc] but i was wonderin if there was a better one ? or people could simply list them out,, it’d help a lot

10/27/2021 12:00 am 1 220

small rant /// tw:uh mentions of s/h,,, uh mentons of anxiety,,,, kinda cussing ig

so my partner got iss at school for drawing on the walls of a stall with a washable marker to try and distract himself from harming himself and it's for th rest of theweek and then their gonna decide more punishments and his parents are hella ****ed at him and when i asked the admin where he was at luch he just straight up lied and told me he didn't know,,,,, idk i've been supe n edge today and idk im just rlly nevous about the whole thing

11/3/2021 03:36 pm 0 139

Give me patch ideas that will piss of Hicks because I'm fr aboutta go full punk out of spite.

here's some of the ideas I already have IG and where I'm gonna put them on my ****et =D

Pride flags (probably just trans, nonbinary, and rainbow): probably on the front of the ****et, most likely on the pockets

My pronouns: also on the front

88: also on the front probably

"Stop following me winking": on the center back because I just know some of these…

11/23/2021 10:42 am 26 1020

What's ur fav part of thxgiving (this is me complaining about America)

maybe it's the family drama,the hoping that one ****phobic grandma will finally kick the can, the stealing food before it's done, maybe you like watching the Macy's day parade and betting on what float will run into a lamppost. Let's all gather and celebrate the systematic racism of Thanksgiving!! Or should I call it "indigenous people day" because after almost 2 centuries of celebrating the murdering of their ancestors let's give em this day as salt on a wound! Dont …

11/24/2021 08:34 pm 26 1007

currently having the worst day of my life (vent ig?)

TW: mentions of slurs, periods, bullying i guess

hi so im having an awful day.

so basically, at the end of art cl***, i started having really bad cramps. (that time of the month...) and when i went to language arts to and started to free read, it got bad. i broke into a cold sweat, was silently crying, shaking, and felt like i was going to vomit. those 20 minutes were pure hell.

i …

12/6/2021 12:40 pm 4 396

Here's chapter 1 of my book, Root of the Rainbow

There is a small town named Mexico in Upstate NY where 3 teens lived. They’re names were Jade, Andrew, & Caroline. They were the only LGBTQ kids in the town sadly but they were ok with it! They go to ‘Sydney C. High School’ , Caroline and Andrew are sop****res and Jade is a freshman. They were all part of the art club and there was a meeting after school. Jade was running late to the meeting and Caroline and Andrew were waiting for them to show up, “Hey guys! Sorry i’m …

12/13/2021 07:16 am 8 358

Does anyone have any tips for cleaning up a crap ton of spilled beads off of carpet??

The bottom part of my bead container fell off and all the beads inside the bottom went everywhere. Do any of y'all have an efficient way of cleaning up a ton of beads?

12/14/2021 03:43 am 11 1043

bit of a rant (tw for a lot of things n heavy topics,,))

uhhhh so i haven't been feeling great at all recently. i'll get very short bursts of happiness but mostly i just hate myself and wanna d!3 all the time. my sister got grounded for some bad grades and then tried to run away. she's dating the same boy that convinced her to try to k!ll herself about 2 years ago and doesn't see a problem??

she has a phone our parents don't know abt to text said boy and i've tried convincing her to stop but she won't …

12/21/2021 08:59 am 9 415

FNAF: SB, please for the love of god talk to me about sun/sundrop/sunrise, whatever his name is //caps

* AHHHHHH I LOVE HIM, okay, okay listen.
* he's super chaotic and my god do i relate to wantin' to do everythin' at once and i feel like he'd be such a cool friend and i wish we saw more of him and i love him and hdhgdad, i've drawn his model and i'm making a dumb animatic to his sun to moon transition for giggles and i've scowered youtube for animations/animatics of him and i need things that remind people of him please- or just rant about him …

12/28/2021 04:00 am 38 2504

gender trouble >:/ tw: venting, dysphoria n all of that

honestly i identify as a trans dude but like. not binary... but also Not nonbinary. like im a FULL BOY. but just not your version or any other person's version of a boy. i love the version of masculinity that lives in my head. i dont wanna identify as non-binary but i also do????????? only sometimes though. and then i get really scared that im just faking everything and im just a cis woman... the thought of being called like. a princess or just a girl like. revolts me or i literally …

1/12/2022 09:25 pm 1 303

Can i talk about to any of you guys?? (Kinda of a vent)

I've been crying for a while bc of my moms ex, I dont know why but he was so nice to me. I hate it so much. I dont want to feel bad for me. He's in jail now bit now I feel more bad. I hate it. I hate it so much. I wanna get my mind off of him. :/

1/16/2022 07:50 pm 7 467

do any of yall have etsy shops?

if so, is it worth it? do you make a decent amout of cash? how much does etsy take back of of each amount?

1/24/2022 10:21 am 11 577

Man I had an interesting day (a bit of a rant // tw bl00d, swearing and caps)

When I was leaving for school I almost forgot Jjjjjjjjeffrey (jjjjjjjjeffrey is my instrument/son) and my friend made fun of me lol. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period went by pretty fast but 4th wasn't as boring. My friend told me that someone said she wore dog collars and some stupid kid overheard her say that and started making fun of her and barking at her which really ****ed me off. Now I'm going to start carrying around dog treats in my pockets just in case someone does that again. I …

1/31/2022 02:06 pm 0 158