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On March 21, 2022 at 08:49 pm catpawzz said:


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On March 21, 2022 at 08:26 pm pastel_vomit said:

the sexual ***ult was proved false, but the nft drama idk about.. i saw someone in a livestream chat say they bought their nft but it wasn't from a credible source. i also don't know who to believe cause while her music is a huge comfort of mine, i don't want to support problematic peoplehklolly

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On March 21, 2022 at 08:13 pm pastel_vomit said:

hklollyi very much agree with you! I've never been interested in wearing scene or other fashions in goth subcultures, but as someone who loves to learn about fashion and research trends, the ppl who think they're scene annoy me.. but we shouldn't be rude to them, they prolly got misinformed off of social media and just need a helping hand to get in the fashion..

also scencore is basically the posers or ppl who don't really get scene,, idk how to explain it

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On March 21, 2022 at 07:44 pm xXJustJoking8P said:

@bugz_doez_kandi: OH are there new ones or is this the same one from like 2017? Sorry if this is touchy '._.

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On March 21, 2022 at 07:16 pm YUM_CYANIDE said:

@CoNN13Killz: honestly ik that drip e is a troll but like seeing drip e made meh remember past experiences i had on this forum seeing a lot of ppl face the same reaction drip e did lolz

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On March 21, 2022 at 07:10 pm Meowdy_Pickles said:

i agree!! there’s nothing wrong with educating someone & pushing them in the right direction, but i feel like calling them a poser is not a very good approach. i don’t think it would make them want to do more research on the scene subculture, if anything it would probably scare them off

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