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On March 23, 2022 at 06:29 am xXJustJoking8P said:

I'm still kinda green to rave culture but I'm pretty sure the rules are liiiike (Personal interpretation time! I'm giving my best guess! '^^)
P - Peace - Be nice to ppl! Like, don't try to start crap and when tension rises try to defuse it and y'know like just be a peaceful person?
L - Love - Love everyone no matter what! : D Even if they're bein a meanie pants- Kinda correlates with peace, show love and kindness to all?
U - Unity - I'm thinkin this ones like, 2 heads are better than one? Be united together as ravers instead of staying away from eachother cuz of grudges n' stuff, better together and all that!
R - Respect - Exactly how it sounds I'm guessing, respect eachother! Like respecting boundaries and respecting people as being exactly what they are, people!
(R) - Responsibility - Don't get blackout plastered and backflip off the DJ stand at a rave- XDD (Jokes aside, I think the parenthesis "R" is referring to being responsible with alcohol and drug use from what I've heard?)
Idk if I'm like- Right or anything but I tried '^^

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On March 23, 2022 at 06:16 am bugz_doez_kandi said:

i don't have tiktok but wtf shock

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On March 23, 2022 at 06:12 am CybrBoy said:

@catpawzz: frrr crying like wthh

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On March 23, 2022 at 06:04 am xXJustJoking8P said:

Hii, scene kid here! The main reason why I don't like politics is cause I just hate arguing- For one, I'm a Christian (You can probably guess my political beliefs- But ig that depends on your idea of Christians?) so like, a lot of my political beliefs are kindaaa... Inarguable if that makes sense? Like you'd have to convert me before you can get me to change my opinion, lol- So there's just no point in arguing cause it's not even a personal opinion issue, it's a divine purpose issue, y'know? Second, I don't like to argue unless I believe I can actually change the person I'm arguing with's opinion and with politics, I just believe it's impossible to change the other's opinion shrug People guard their political beliefs with their lives kinda so I just don't believe I or anyone can rlly change them through an argument on the internet, so I just don't try '^^ Third and finally, it's just rlly stressful to understand- I just wanna rawr and make Creepypasta headcannons, I don't have enough brainpower to understand the economy X'D That and everyone gets all mad and heated and starts screaming and then grudges get held and bLEEEH I just want everyone to get along! ';-; I hope my useless opinion helped? XD

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On March 23, 2022 at 05:49 am Garnet_Is_Sad said:


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