General Kandi Talk

Post casual questions about kandi here.

Displaying 251-260 of 2318 results.
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3/19/2023 01:34 pm 0 365

i have a mini project lol

3/14/2023 01:29 pm 7 463

username singles !!!!

3/11/2021 09:35 am 72 3919

Kandi LGBTQIA+ Requests :>

3/17/2023 10:31 am 0 260

A snood, obviously

3/13/2023 04:57 pm 0 295


3/12/2023 12:03 pm 2 337

Multi Stitch Kandi Cuffs

3/9/2023 03:16 pm 6 684

would it even be possible?!

3/6/2023 11:06 pm 8 646

I’m back!

3/8/2023 02:51 pm 2 577


2/17/2023 02:22 pm 4 561