Rant, give advice please

Ghost_UsedPoison_Fang 3/10/2022 02:20 pm 493

New edit - I've gotten it at least mostly figured out so I appreciate all of that help and advice I've gotten, i'm still trying to figure out the problem with friend 2 but I'm hoping that will also go over well

So I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this right now. So I had my friend ask if she and my girlfriend could hang out at my house, okay? Just chill and stuff, but then my partner tells me and her that they won't be able to come over which I was fine with, so I wait for roughly two hours and my friend doesn't show up, so I ask if she was still coming and she's short and p!ssy with me. Based on this I kinda feel like she's just trying to get with my partner or something? My friend is usually super sweet and she was the one who offered to come over in the first place, could I have some advice of what to do?

Edit - My friend went out with my partner downtown, now I feel even worst since she bailed on me to hang out with her. I feel like this makes it more like she's using me to get to them

Also gonna add that it really doesn't help that before I got with said partner my other friend said that her and friend 1 would be a cute couple, friend 1 is super close with friend 2 so I kinda thing that friend 1 told friend 2 that they liked my partner before we got together and that's why friend 2 said so, so I just,, I hate everything. I love them so much and I don't even know if it's gonna last,, it hasn't even been like two weeks and I feel like they already lost feelings but I've liked them for three years now.

9 Replies

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Mar 11, 2022 9:19 am

@ImNotOkayIPromise: yeah, im really sorry that this is happeninng to you and i hope it works out well =(

Mar 11, 2022 8:47 am

@genimccleni: I appreciate it happy if you look at one of my last comments I got it at least mostly worked out. I was feeling sick and my partner had told friend 1 this so friend 1 didn't want to bother me which I appreciate and just hope it's the truth. But when it comes to friend 2 she's been being pretty rude in general lately so since friend 1 is the closest to friend 2 they're going to talk to friend 2 for me so maybe that'll get worked out. But, the more I've been thinking about tit friend 2 may like them but i'm not sure, but they only started being this rude since I got with my partner but that doesn't fully make sense because they didn't treat my partners now ex like that so I'm really not sure what's going on with friend 2

Mar 11, 2022 5:42 am

tbh, all of those people seem kinda crappy (obviously if what you suspect is true) and if it works out how you think its going to work out, i think you just need to go focus on yourself for a while and maybe make new friends? i would make sure you have the full story tho before you make any desicions on what to do =/ if you need any help or just someone to talk to i know you probably get this a lot but pleaseee message me if you need to talk about anything =(

Mar 11, 2022 5:11 am

@ImNotOkayIPromise: good im glad, and if you need anything just message me ight?

Mar 10, 2022 7:28 pm

@dripping_tears: I talked to the first friend about it first and it seemed to kinda be a misunderstanding? Apparently, my partner had told her how I was feeling kinda sick, which I had been, so she didn't wanna bother me and that they see my partner as family so I'm just hoping that's true. When it comes to friend 2 though she's always been kinda a b!tch and since friend 1 is the closet with them they're gonna talk to them for me since she's been treating me badly for a while, but either way, I always love having new friends so big grin

Mar 10, 2022 6:09 pm

screw your partner and your "friends" i just went thru a similar situation but it ended up way differentley but im your new friend now they can screw off, but honestly i think you need to confront all 3 of them thats the best option to see whats really happening you got this dude and i hope you feel better /gen /pos

Mar 10, 2022 4:36 pm

@Tenkokinnie: I just sent her a text after I found out she and my partner ended up going downtown together, I just hope I didn't sound to pissy about it since I know I can accidently sound super upset even if I try not to

Mar 10, 2022 3:08 pm

I'd say wait a few hours or days or whatever until she calms down, and then text her smt like "Hey I just wanted to clear up the situation, since I got the impression that you only wanted to come over to see my s/o, and I don't understand why you were upset if you were upset with me"

  • CoNN13Killz
Mar 10, 2022 2:22 pm

i would just ask her why she is so mad and see if she gives a shitty responce