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Reply to thread: What is your "kandi signature"? [Go to page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Oct 1, 2013 10:54 am
My red and black biohazard mask because I revolved my whole Halloween costume around it, and it was the first kandi piece I made and I even made my OC wear it as part of her everyday outfit. I love it x3

Reply to thread: kandi numbers

Oct 20, 2013 4:35 pm
The only patterns that have numbers on them are the kandi cuff patterns. If a pattern doesn't have numbers, it's either a perler bead pattern, a mask, a tie, a charm, or a flat panel. My guess is that you are clicking onto flat panel patterns. Those are too large to be cuffs, and that numbering scheme only works for cuffs. In the future, I do plan on letting people add numbers to panels as well, but I have a lot of other things I need to do first.
Dec 8, 2013 12:28 pm
I've been trying to figure out more ways to incorporate kandi with Christmas! I've been working on purses,ties, and masks for my friends for part of their gifts. I want to make some stars for my big Christmas tree. I also want to get a smaller tree so I can turn my flat miscellaneous peyotes into ornaments. Rave Christmas tree! big grin
  • SpookyQueen
Dec 10, 2013 9:01 pm
Oh yeah, one more thing to note about EL wire...the inverter pack makes a high pitched humming noise that's basically impossible to eliminate. If you're using it for a mask you'll probably want to figure out a way to conceal the battery pack away from your ears, unless you don't mind the buzzing.
Dec 14, 2013 11:56 am
go on "Etsy" and look up "kandi Gas Mask" should be alot happy
Dec 20, 2013 10:36 am
I feel like making kandi is a symbol of friendship, even if you trade someone you've just met for a second. It's like, "Hey, I spent time out of my day making this, and I like you, and I want you to have it." I used to sell kandi, but I would never sell singles, and I would only charge for the price of the beads and that was it. I feel like as a raver, it's your job to make your singles or other trader pieces. If you just buy a bunch of singles and give them away, it's kind of like cheating. You didn't spend the same amount of time/energy on the piece as the person trading with you did. When I sold kandi, I would only sell 3D's, epics, large cuffs, masks and the more elaborate, because I know that some people don't know how to make kandi. Whatever I charged was whatever it costed me to buy the beads, I never charged for labor. I had quite a bit of business, mostly from people I knew and trusted, and even almost 2 years after I've made them pieces, they still have them and treasure them. I always specified, however, that my pieces were NOT made to be traded away, that what I made for them was a piece that was supposed to be treasured. I stopped selling kandi when someone who placed an order with me said (on twitter, to someone else, I just happened to find the conversation) that she didn't 'understand kandi' and just wanted it because 'everyone else has it and I don't want to feel like a loser without kandi' and that she'd probably end up trading them away anyways. I understand that it is her choice to do what she wants once she has my pieces but I was still really upset because I feel like that's taking a cheaters way out. I contacted her and cancelled the order and then took my facebook page down and reconstructed it into a page celebrating kandi/rave life. I know I might get raked over the coals by some people who have a differing opinion from mine (because I still make and sell pieces to my friends who want them) but I don't care, everyone is allowed their own opinion and I feel like a healthy debate is good. In regards to WHY I make kandi, I do it because that is what first got me into raving. I had always liked EDM but I'd never actually been to an event. When I got there, a girl walked up and asked to trade kandi. But since I didn't have any, she got really excited and taught me how to PLUR trade and gave me my first piece of kandi, and I still have it 4 years later. I feel like kandi is kindness, it opens doors to new conversations (I traded someone a MLP themed kandi, and she understood the reference right away and we talked for quite a while!) and new friends. I've encountered my fair share of rude 'kandi' kids, who won't trade you something because your kandi isn't pretty enough or you don't know how to make big epic cuffs or whatever, and I feel like they're totally missing the point of kandi and raving. I always try to make a couple of cuffs specifically to trade at events, and I try to find someone who doesn't have a lot of kandi, or a cuff and give it to them, to help start their collection. I can honestly say that the kindness of the first girl who traded kandi with me (and EDM) saved my life and gave me something to love. I do agree though, I get incredibly happy when I see a kandi with toys or references to my childhood. I have a bunch of Animaniacs, Transformers, TMNT and Pokemon toys to put on kandi, and I always love getting kandi that reminds me of my childhood. Thanks for posting this, it's an incredible way of getting to know more people who are seriously interested in what I am. Namaste!
Dec 20, 2013 3:55 pm
You make it the same as you would a surgeon mask but instead of closing off both the top and the bottom you only do the bottom
Dec 25, 2013 11:51 am
i really like cubes, ive seen cube cuffs but im interested in seeing some kind of cube inside a cube inside a cube or something, also a gas mask tutorial would be good
Dec 28, 2013 1:48 pm
I got a Captain America hoodie, a little cactus I named Gerald, Peanuts holiday themed mugs and soup cup/bowl, Michiru Kaioh cosplay for my first con, socks, simple black heels, head bands, Ferrero Rocher, perfume set, bath set, pretty earmuffs, Hello Kitty ***ht mask, jewelry, a fun game called Fibber, and a Twister Rave Skip It. (Mom remembered how I love playing with my old one.) I think that's all of it. It's been a really nice holiday season presents or not. love struck

Reply to thread: Ghost/Ghost B.C.

  • ofmiceandcasscx
Feb 15, 2014 6:25 pm
yes!! happy I always thought that Papa's face was make up, but it's actually a mask c:

Reply to thread: Ghost/Ghost B.C.

  • ofmiceandcasscx
Feb 15, 2014 6:26 pm
and I found a picture of what he looks like without the mask and he looks super young compared to what you'd think he'd look like xD

Reply to thread: Is it okay for your first cuff to be bad? [Go to page: 1, 2]

Jun 28, 2014 8:29 pm
There's always a learning curve happy My first mask was TERRIBLE!! Super loose and bad lol But what you didn't do right the first time, you can fix the next time. You can always learn happy
  • GalacticPanda
Jun 30, 2014 2:00 pm
It's wayyy better to use fishing line for bags and masks because they don't get all weird and misshapen and floppy, they stay in perfect shape. Fishing line is also super cheap, i just buy it in like the outdoor sections of stores and it usually comes with A LOT of line so it lasts forvvver so yeah i'd recommend it. I don't really think that brand matters too much because i just buy the really cheap kind and it works fine :3
Jun 30, 2014 5:19 pm
Use fishing line for bags because it will be less likely to break and also if you use fishing line for masks it will make it form a lot better, make sure if you are going to make a bag though to restring it a lot, probably 3 times just to make sure it won't be able to break and if you are going to have straps restring it 5 times :]
Jul 1, 2014 1:42 pm
hey! :3 I buy my fishing line at Walmart for like $1.99 for a spool that has 700 yards(I buy Zebco omniflex monofilament fishing line). I use it for my masks instead of stretchy string because then I don't have to worry about pulling too tightly or the string being too loose. I also find that the beads "click" into place better when working on the rows. It also helps keep the shape of whatever your working on. <3
Jul 2, 2014 1:59 pm
it all depends. i love the look of pony beads but also mix in stars, hearts, skulls, buttons n other cool ones. even in masks i like mixing letters n write messages, names n stuff in them. also lately i've started using crimping beads. those are more for knotting and keeping it tight so they don't bust. long story short i worked on a huge x base cuff when i got the end i tied it off n tried it on n it busted sad the crimp beads reinforce the knots.
Jul 16, 2014 1:39 pm
i started in this past year. i had seen it before at shows n festivals. being a beginner the first piece i made was a mask. i found it interesting and easy. from there i made singles then started on 3d cuffs and perlers. i didn't know anybody that was really into it n didn't know the whole meaning behind it. when i got more into it n found out everything i decided to switch it up a bit. i love taking the time and making special pieces for people. i love that ppl love my pieces. i make them by request n also make them just for fun and to experiment with. i never knew that the pieces i was making would be such a hit with ppl. also i've traded by mail n i gotta say it's the best feeling sending out a packet and knowing it's going to make someones day. i recently received a package from a new friend and it turned my entire day around. kandi is an awesome thing n i don't see myself stopping, especially since it's so addicting!
Aug 3, 2014 4:44 pm
Lol i've sorted a friends beads before X3 But I don't like when people don't tie off the top and bottom of a mask :I
Aug 13, 2014 10:45 pm
Probably my Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask Purse. I used patterns from this site but I did put my own small touches on it. There's also my bead loomed pieces since working on a much small scale does up the ante on difficulty.
  • waitwhatum
Sep 1, 2014 5:17 pm
I've found a lot of tutorials on YouTube on kandi masks. They're very helpful.
  • heinebaby
Sep 10, 2014 9:42 pm
i sometimes get inspirations from others. i ask what they would like a mask to be and then i start to tweak it little by little to make it even more personal for that person happy they usually trust my advice when it comes to colors and placements happy