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Displaying 232-252 of 411 results.

Question of the day 10/27

Q: fav memory?

A: this is really recent actually (yesterday). my friends and i bought a tub of ice cream at the drug store, but they didn’t have plastic s****s or anything so we bought cookies instead and used that to scoop it out. we just sat in the curb outside and ate it. it started raining really bad as we were leaving but it was really fun running back to the library (aka our usual hangout). my friend had her new squishmellow under her shirt, my …

10/27/2021 02:54 pm 6 340

tw// caps and mention of self-unalive


10/29/2021 09:31 am 2 391

Different types of beads

If you like to use a variety of beads along with pony beads, tell me some of your favorites.

I like to use those imitation gemstone beads (idk what they’re called lol) star/heart shaped beads and tribeads. Also wood beads are pretty cool too! cutee mushy

11/12/2021 01:31 pm 1 491

help with my sh!tty friends (again) (TW MENTION OF BAD THING CERTAIN ADULTS ARE)

okay so if you saw the last thread i made about this you'd know that i have 2 kinda awful friends and they're making me feel stupid n like im an awful person. n bc of that i'm not doin too well mental-health-wise. so uhhhhh help?? they keep acting like i'm a p3d0 (e, o) bc me n my bf are a year n a half apart???? n like???? im not????? and everytime i even mention him they go "LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THAT." like?????? and i dont know how to tell them theyre making me want to …

11/17/2021 06:10 am 3 389

I thought the lead singer of falling in reverse died?!?!?

Okay so I'm sitting here listen to music and I'm not a vampire starts playing. But its re-vamped. I know for a fact that its ronnie's voice. I'd recognize it anywhere. So I google like "ayo is the lead singer of falling in reverse d34d" cuz like he died at the beginning of covid. But he didn't. It was the drummer or something. And one like, "what?!?!the?!?!fook?!?!" Cuz I spent the last like 2 yrs thinking he was dead ya know. I'm so confused. Thx 4 coming to my …

11/22/2021 07:58 pm 12 787

( swearing and caps ) just got an abrupt feeling of rage /rant

why does the media make people believe that non-binary people, genderfluid/flux, demiboys/girls/enbys + aren’t trans?? The definition of trans is to identify differently than what you were born as. All of what I listed fits in that category. JUST BECAUSE THEYRE NOT FTM OR MTF DOESNT ******G MEAN THEYRE NOT TRANS GOD DAMMIT. Idk it ****es me off

11/27/2021 02:20 pm 3 246

Help! Friend disappeared from face of planet?

im just using clickbait at this point

But um someone who i friended on here is now no longer showing up at all? Idk if they blocked me or what but i didn't log in for 2 days and now all of their messages r gone and i cant click on their username on some of my posts. BUT i can still see their saved patterns? Did they block me or did they actually delete their account? I can't tell?

Person is Rotten_Meat and im really worried abt them

11/29/2021 03:07 pm 16 855

desperate need of singles ideas!

i need to make about 20 more singles and i have no idea of what to make them of >~< -sneeg

12/4/2021 10:48 am 11 1021

League of Legends kandi ideas!!

Ok so!! My bf rlly likes league and im already making him some singles with character names on it... But i don't know anything about league of legends. Does anyone here play that??? What kind of Kandi do you think hed like!! Helppp!!! kao shocked

12/13/2021 12:04 pm 2 553

Tw food! Favorite kind of soup?

idk just put your favorite kind of soup mine is chicken noodle, but with the little dough balls instead of noodles and potato soup

12/15/2021 11:25 am 19 689

Im running out of inspiration

tini giraffe I'm kind of going trough a kandi drought rn not that i don't have the beads its the ideas like what should i make so does anyone have any kandi ideas i could do i can do a lot more since i got more verity in colors i also have special metallic and sparkly beads these small metallic flowers and stars these …

12/21/2021 02:24 pm 2 408

Hey, I want to do a red feather or some wings for the bday of my best friends, plssss I need a pattern :(((

Well tomorrow is the bday of my best friend who likes Hawks from bnha and I've looking for a pattern of Hawks or a feather or maybe some wings to give her, but I can't find it, I just need a pattern and that's it, help <3 kao sick

1/10/2022 02:59 pm 3 492

Hey guys :) (mentions of depression)

I’ve decided that I’m gonna start living a more healthy life. I’m gonna take showers and brush my teeth often, I’m gonna try and eat healthier and drink more water. I am gonna try and keep a exercise routine and I’m gonna try and “glow up”. I have been going through a more tame depression where I haven’t kept up with my hygiene and eating patterns, this has caused me to become more unhappy with how I look and has made the cycle continue. I have been trying to drink a lot more …

1/16/2022 04:39 pm 4 200

Vent ish rant (mention of Drug$ and stuff)

WHy do parents get mad at teens/kids for over doseing on drugs? Im 100% sure almost every kid who does drugs uses it as an escape. To get away from reality, that reality usually being the parents anger. Instead of being mad at the kid, say "Im so glad your recovering!" or "Dont do taht again, but im glad u didnt die" like damn. 9 times outta 1 it isnt even the kids fault they r on drugs. Maybe a friends thought it woul be cool by pressuring them, or they were just rlly stressed, but whats …

2/2/2022 08:40 pm 4 341

I ran out of string :(

I've been hyper-fixating on making cuffs and made 4 in the last day and when i was working on my 5th one I RAN OUT OF STRING so now I need to wait until the string I bought today ships crying this is the worst day of my life waah kao cry

2/2/2022 10:11 pm 1 308

tired of forums becoming social media

i mean this in the nicest way possible, but i'm sick of 13 year olds on this website treating it like a diary or a social media. forums are not the same as social media, this is a KANDI website, not a place to vent about genuinely heavy topics (they literally have a banner saying this before you post a thread) or kin or whatever.

i know there are edge cases of people not being allowed real social media, but this is meant to be a lighthearted site to talk about a specific common …

2/9/2022 02:39 pm 58 2078

What kind of kandi have you given/traded to people?

if you remember what it was, otherwise share your favorite kandi!

I've made a lot of singles for my friends, and gave one of my friends this kandi star ring thingy (idk what theyre called)

edit: guys this is a really old thread why was this revived

2/9/2022 06:09 pm 38 2641

are yalls parents weird about certain friends of yours

my mom is so annoyed with one of my friends she emailed her to talk about her being inappropriate. which, understandable to an extent, but she acts like this to none of my other friends crying

2/13/2022 07:46 am 23 1004

ive had 7 bomb pops in 2 days (theres more to it i swear, also some of it has caps, so yeah)

so i have a cold,

thats why i havent been active more

I still have it but its not as bad, so yeah im gonna be more active on roblox, minecraft, etc more. Ive been binging youtube and sleeping.


I'd make giant a** pride…

2/27/2022 01:47 pm 6 269

struggles of moving

if yall have ever moved (which is very likely that you've moved at least once) you know it can suck

i moved an hour & a half away from my old house..

I'm enrolled in my new school, but idk when I'm supposed to start going to school. I met like 4 people in that school through Instagram and they invited me to sit with them at lunch!!

so I'm super excited to start.

but a big struggle is the fact that I'm not completely in the school yet. …

3/2/2022 07:05 am 4 292

does anyone know why the word lesbian keeps getting blocked out of the titles of different items?

I've been scrolling through different categories and anything with lesbian in the title got blocked and looks like this: "L*****n" idk if it's just me or not but can you tell me if the same things happened to any of you? mariocar

3/16/2022 02:03 pm 6 430