Kandi Supplies & Shopping

Talk about things to put on kandi, where to buy beads, etc.

Rave Ready: Kandi Supplies
Displaying 121-130 of 319 results.
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ponybeadstore.com codes??

1/13/2022 09:14 am 0 565

joanns is bs

1/13/2022 04:17 am 0 551

Kandi supply advice!!!!

1/7/2022 09:03 pm 2 740

Buying pony beads on Europe

1/4/2022 12:02 pm 1 451

Kandi beads (shapes and charms)

12/26/2021 02:39 pm 1 616

Best Places to buy Beads?

12/22/2021 02:21 pm 6 1243

Different bead sizes

12/1/2021 11:53 pm 3 769

etsy shop promo!! (mainly the mlp stuff)

11/29/2021 12:37 pm 0 480

where do y’all buy your beads?

11/21/2021 10:53 am 30 1774