Kandi Help, Ideas & Advice

If you're looking for advice about your kandi, need help with something kandi-related, or want ideas, post your question here.

Displaying 1251-1260 of 2225 results.
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Good Pixel Art Sites/Programs?

7/28/2021 03:03 pm 1 334


7/27/2021 03:00 pm 4 617

junko tie?

7/25/2021 10:18 am 3 681

What kind of bracelet is this?

7/18/2021 10:28 am 3 689

Tagging patterns?

7/24/2021 10:25 am 5 468

What Makes a "Good" Pattern "Great"?

7/20/2021 01:51 pm 5 476

Kandi ideas pls

7/20/2021 05:46 am 3 647