Legitimate Question: What's a System?

xXJustJoking8P 3/21/2022 05:54 am 1098

Warning: Controversial opinion-

I'm going to try my hardest to be as nice as possible saying this cause I think this is a touchy subject? Idk :0

Legitimate question, what is a system? I always saw it as kids thinking they had DID when they most likely didn't (It made me slightly uncomfortable but I didn't care much cause, y'know, kids : P) but I have some friends that call themselves systems so I wanted to be fair and research it! But I didn't come out with much- The most I came out with is that DID and being a system is two different things...? But idk that was the most I understood from the articles I read-

So like, now I'm legitimately curious, what is it? I'd be ecstatic to find out it's actually not related to DID or mental illness at all and it's actually just- A way to cope with trauma maybe? But even if it is linked to DID I'd still love to hear system's cases as to why they believe they have DID, even if I still end up disagreeing ^^ Or maybe agreeing, who knows? : D

(I rlly hope this was respectfully worded, I'd hate to upset anyone here! '>m<)

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Mar 21, 2022 12:38 pm

@Lord_Cookie: Thanks! I tried to be as understanding as possible, sorry if I sounded like a dumm dumm at the parts where I was confused or if my questions were too touchy! '^^ Also thanks for more advice, I'm still understanding how this stuff works so I rlly appreciate it! Again, thank you for being so respectful even at parts where I may have sounded insensitive ^^

Mar 21, 2022 12:29 pm

@xXJustJoking8P: Nah you chill, there were occasional times where it was like "okay, tread carefully" but other than that, you were pretty chill. honestly, if someone says they have like did or smth, just chill around them unless they start using it against you, while it is a serious diagnosis and it absolutely sucks having fakers, its never worth the risk of tearing down a system, especially since coming out as a system, even online, can be so scary so yeah, just be chill B) (again, as usual, more general advice than directly at you) - charlie

Mar 21, 2022 12:24 pm

@Lord_Cookie: Ohh, I see! Ya, I was just slightly uncomfortable with the narrative of claiming every system has DID since I feel like DID is a very serious diagnosis but then again idk I'm no doctor, lol '^^ I'm glad that's not the case though, whew! And of course I'd never :3 I don't like saying who has this and who has that anyway since the internet can be very decieving u3u It was really nice talking to you guys, thanks for being respectful! I'm rlly sorry if I came across as kind of a jerkwad at any point in time, I can suck at conveying what I'm trying to say at times kao sick

Mar 21, 2022 12:18 pm

@xXJustJoking8P: Oh! Of course not every system! I have OSDD-1b! Some people I think have BPD induced systems??? (do NOT quote me on that i have literally 0 idea), and some have DID. i got so confused hshshs, no one here is trying to convince you its all DID but its not a coping mechanism in the sense you can choose it, its a coping mechanism your brain kinda automatically does, its a disorder but its not always dissociative identity disorder, however I reccomend just, not going to systems and saying you think they dont have DID (not saying you would obvi, more as a general advice thing) it can be absolutely crushing, especially newly discovered systems or systems struggling with accepting that happy /pos /nm /info - Chuckle Boys

Mar 21, 2022 12:10 pm

@Lord_Cookie: OH NO NO NO that's not what I'm saying, lol! Thanks for clearing that up though! I meant like, I'm not 100% convinced every system has DID, but of course I don't see why you couldn't be both kao yes

Mar 21, 2022 11:29 am

@xXJustJoking8P: Question, what do you mean by "not convinced its DID"? I don't know if that's directed at our system but we don't have DID, or if you're saying if you have DID you can't be a system which is... worrying if that's what you're saying shock (not assuming you are, just pretty confused rn) - Chuckle boys

Mar 21, 2022 11:25 am

@Lord_Cookie: Ya, don't worry, I get it! You hit the mark of what I was asking! So your proud of how far you've gotten, not proud of he fact that you have a disorder or claim it makes you better than others? Why, that's nice! I'm not sure if I'm 100% convinced of it being DID (Although I do indeed believe it's something) I'm very grateful at how nice you've all been and how this dosen't just seem like "I'm a system because that's cool", it seems like a legitimate trauma response. Of course I can't speak for everyone but you guys seem legit and cool, thank you for answering my questions! kao happy

Mar 21, 2022 11:05 am

@xXJustJoking8P: you can find out that you have it but it can't develop later in life.

there's no real way to spot fakers (unless they state that they have no trauma). the only people who would know would be themselves or a professional.


Mar 21, 2022 10:16 am

@xXJustJoking8P: for the 1st comment, now that i've woken up a bit: Yes, it's like with a lot of disorders, you can find out you have it, but you already have it by then.

2nd comment: Well, yes and no. There is a hell of a lot of stigma surrounding systems some being "Systems have to always be miserable" (you can tell how stupid that sounds but no, that's actually copy paste from a time someone was fake-claiming our system shock) which is not the case, at all! While some systems are pretty miserable, ones like mine are not. Doing fun things like picrews and being proud about are system isn't a negative thing at all. We should be proud, we work one body with over 20+ people (my system, some systems deal with 300+ some deal with just smaller amounts, like 3 or 2) , that's a feat in my book. Obviously prancing it around and acting like it makes you better is going to probably get a fake-claim thrown in their direction.

For example, I'm dating alters in my system (Schlatt and Ted, and also Algae as a poly relationship) and that I'm proud of, cause why shouldn't I? I'm not miserable in my system, it's like a family I never had. However some systems have a completely different dynamic where it is miserable and so on. It, in my opinion, isn't a universal rule. Though people seem to treat it like it is, having DID or OSDD isn't "cool" or "quirky" however it's fine to be proud of your system. Not proud of the disorder, but proud of yourself and your system. (So sorry if this doesn't make sense and yes, DID and OSDD are mental disorders, DID = Dissociative Identity Disorder, OSDD = Other Specified Dissociative Disorder) /pos /info /nm - Chuckle Boys as a group (Charlie, Ted, Schlatt).

Mar 21, 2022 10:02 am
@Lord_Cookie: I see, thank you! Sorry if I'm asking too much but:

A common indicator that someone is faking something (I'm not sure if being a system is a mental illness so I'll just call it "something") is if they present it as something that makes them cool and/or quirky (Since people with mental illnesses are usually ashamed of them) but I know there are some things where people can be proud of them but not be faking it (Maybe being proud of your depression in a sense because despite it all you've made it where you are, or being proud of your sh scars cause it means you survived), would you say this universal rule applies to being a system or not?