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On November 14, 2021 at 07:12 pm ZodiacSaturnzz said:

you could try and get youtube links off google, put 'em in a mp3 converter and then upload them to like google drive

On November 14, 2021 at 07:08 pm trans_penilian said:

@L1c0r1c3: not really, my art teacher maybe, but i doubt she would be able to do anything about it

my school is run by absolute control freaks i swear

the funny thing is, they have youtube and spotify blocked but not twitter, wattpad, newgrounds, this website, or anything that would actually distract a student or have super bad content on (okay i get youtube but spotify?? really? is music that bad??)

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On November 14, 2021 at 07:03 pm Chewerz said:

@Valen_: Thank you!! Im glad I could help. And sure! Osdd is basically DID, but without one of the diagnostic criteria for DID. There are 2 types of OSDD, OSDD 1A and OSDD 1B. In OSDD 1A, its the same as DID, except for each alter is less distinct. Alters are usually more like versions of the host at different time or different ages, rather than fully separate people. In OSDD 1B, its the same as DID, except you dont experience amnesia between alters/between switches! But, each alter is distinct like in DID. I hope this makes sense, and let me know if you want me to explain it more, or explain anything else!

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On November 14, 2021 at 07:00 pm Chewerz said:

@S0ur_K4nd1: Im glad I could help you understand your friend a bit better! And thank you very much, thats always great to hear!!

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On November 14, 2021 at 06:56 pm L1c0r1c3 said:

Thats such a stupid thing for a school to do?! Some people need music to work, are there any teachers you trust? If so maybe they can help?beating heartheart bounce

On November 14, 2021 at 06:51 pm jestermutt said:

@ichigolive: KAJEF i love how you clarified not all 6 hit you at once

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On November 14, 2021 at 06:20 pm Valen_ said:

It's so nice that you take the time to educate people like me who don't know much about systems! I'm able to empathize with people a part of systems now and I can only imagine how difficult it can be sometimes, but I want you to know you're valid no matter what <3

Also could you explain the difference between DID and OSDD? I've looked it up several times but I still can't quite understand the difference :/

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