Comment Stream

Displaying 133981-134000 of 247772 results.

On November 15, 2021 at 11:54 am M1LKSH4K3 said:

they/them: 5/10 these are fine lol, like i use them but they don't make me ACTIVELY HAPPY y'know?
she/her: 3/10 i don't mind them on a good day, but they make me feel super icky on a bad day
all neopronouns: 6/10 neopronouns make me feel cool, like the physical manifestation of this emoji --> >:3. but i feel scared to use them irl, which is why they're ranked fairly low
(i use all neopronouns, apart from actually harmful ones lol)

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On November 15, 2021 at 11:49 am catnoirmybeloved said:

idk if soundcloud is blocked, but u can use that

(i havent used soundcloud in a while so idk if u need an account)

On November 15, 2021 at 11:49 am rockylovesrocks said:

He/him/his: eh, they are okay-ish kao no2/10

She/her/hers: EW EW EW I HATE.kao cry -27398472809471048/10

They/them/theirs: eh, they are okay kao posh3/10

Neopronouns: I LOVE NEOS SO MUCH OMG OMG TEEHEE kao madkao mad10000000/10!!!

On November 15, 2021 at 11:47 am catnoirmybeloved said:

the rules

the teachers r mean (i have a few of them that i like tho)

the nurses office is NEVER helpful

the guidence counselor just writes down things and silently judges you

the other students r mean sometimes (not only to me, but to my friends)

some teachers dont let u use the bathroom

On November 15, 2021 at 11:45 am KarlJacobsKinnie8973 said:


On November 15, 2021 at 11:42 am vampire_culture said:

yooo ok so uhh

He/Him: Vibey!!! cool!!! i love that!! pls use those!! 10/10

She/Her: MAKES ME FEEL PRETTY YES!!!!! 10/10

They/Them: Yeah!!! those are so cool!! Use those too! 9/10

Neopronouns: i don't really use those, and it doesn't make me UNcomfortable its just..... eh. yk? 3/10

It/its: idk so they get a ??/10 agsfghdsh

On November 15, 2021 at 11:40 am catnoirmybeloved said:

she/her/hers/herself - 8/10, i like these but they're overused

he/him/his/himself - 6/10, these are okay, they make me feel masc, sometimes im in the mood, sometimes im not

they/them/theirs/themself - 9/10 i like these, these r great, they make me feel genderless, i like, please use

On November 15, 2021 at 11:39 am axylotl said:

honestly i dont hate it bc im homeschooled BUTT when i was in public school my sister got in trouble 4 doing a split and got a day of suspension and sum kid threatened 2 do bad shii 2 me n my friend and he didnt get anything like wtf??

On November 15, 2021 at 11:34 am flowers4beeduo said:

i hate it so much like dude nobody ever cares about your mental or even physical health i just got freaking after school detention bc of how i was skipping cl***, but i wasn't doing it just bc i didnt want too i could barely walk + i was having a damn panic attack but nobody will expect that answer and they'll only expect"i didnt want to go to cl***", its so stressful and math is so hard, my social studies teacher hates me and constantly makes fun of my comfort object, my gym teacher makes me uncomfy and just thinking about him makes me wanna sob, ppl bully me for stimming/ticcing all the time, and i cant even hug my friends/bfs for comfort bc its "gross", i cant have comfort objects either and just god im actually gonna kms i hate everything

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On November 15, 2021 at 11:30 am xXZ0mbi3_5Xx said:

h8 with a capital 8.

On November 15, 2021 at 11:27 am vampire_culture said:

you could try using sites like safeyoutube maybe? what i did b4 i had my phone for music was i just googled the song, copied the link from the google page and pasted it there. it can be kind of annoying to do because you have to get individual songs but its the only thing i can think of D:

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On November 15, 2021 at 11:21 am flowers4beeduo said:


  • he/him :: 10/10, comfy, i like them
  • they/them :: 8/10, comfy, would prefer something else
  • she/her (if not family/friend) :: 0/10, no. no. no.
  • she/her (if family/friend) :: 5/10, would prefer he/they but okay :-)
  • any of my neos :: 93530573058038/10, OMFG PLEASE USE THESE.

On November 15, 2021 at 11:20 am trans_penilian said:

He/Him/Himself - 7/10- yay these are cool yes

They/Them/Theself- 10/10 YES please lol

She/Her/Herself- 0/10 never ever ever

It/Its/Itself- 10/10- yes please its so cool

Funk/Funks/Funkself- 8/10 i like these happy

Xe/Xem - 7/10 these are pretty cool go ahead

Liqud/Liquid/Liquidself - 8/10 these are swag please use them if possible

On November 15, 2021 at 11:17 am trans_penilian said:

they blocked it because kids were listening to bad things, so like they make it to where no one can listen to music because a few kids were listening to songs with bad words or bad themes like uh okay?

i'm about to email who ever is in charge of this because school is so difficult without music hh