hahahahaha men. (rant)

natluvscats688 2/21/2022 10:18 am 1881

so this kid in my spanish class thinks its funny to randomly yell out that hes non-binary as a joke

some kids laugh, some kids look at him funny, and others look at me and laugh bc im trans...

istg i cannot stand this class. spanish is so easy for me and i enjoy the work, and learning a (well not new to me, ive been learning spanish since i was a little kid, my mom's latina and before she left she did one useful thing) language. But these people man... i cant anymore istg

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  • CoNN13Killz
Feb 22, 2022 5:29 am

@Lord_Cookie: thanks bro i was feeling kinda alone in this argument

Feb 22, 2022 4:19 am

ugh i have a similar problem with a kid in my german class,,,,, the person who sits next to them has a non binary sibling and he kept making fun of neopronouns and purposefully misgendering then and saying stuff like "XE SAID TO USE XE/XEM" when their literal SISTER told him they use they/them pronouns and it was so dumb. and it obviously wasn't just because he didn't know, he knew and chose to misgender them for the heck of it. he's also inedibly racist too, but that's another story.

Feb 22, 2022 1:01 am

@sus: //caps
THERES A KID IN MY CLASS WHO DID THE SAME!!!! so he deadnames me and i got super upset (like he went to my face and went "i wont call you sans (a name we go by), because he isnt real dead name!" and then went really close to my face and started yelling my dead name at me then went to his and my friends like "i dont know why dead name started crying") and in science class my teacher found out i like sans as a name (she still calls me by my dead name as im not ready to come out so i said its a nickname i prefer more, but she kinda forgot-) and he started yelling about how he wont do work cause hes being deadnamed and wanna know what his "dead name" is? enzo, his new name? anzo. no not kidding he went up to this teachers face, NEXT TO ME, and stared saying "you cant deadname someone, its super disrespectful!!!" and wouldnt respond until she called him anzo, he then started laughing and looked at me, and started laughing more, his friends didnt even find it that funny. like why do these people exist - cookie

Feb 22, 2022 12:54 am

theres a kid in my class who makes attack helicopter jokes and is obsessed with world war 2 + started asking teachers to call him "iceman" after he heard me tell a teacher what to call meshockliterally worst kind of person

Feb 22, 2022 12:50 am
@urloverboy: pfffff, must be experiencing different weather, maybe some snow, reason why he's a jerk lolz - cosmo
Feb 22, 2022 12:47 am

@Moon9: Kinda adding onto Connie's point, if we follow the argument the same way; if a guy says something similar, it's offensive, (I'm saying this as a girl alter.) and it's always pointed towards men. Yes, a lot of men do suck however it's fine for men to get irritated when their entire gender is villianized. Yes, sexism does exist and it's mainly pointed towards women but men deal with similar things from women and still cannot talk/rant about it in the same way a woman can. A woman can go: I hate all men, all they want is s*x and they're just so irritating and barely anyone will call them out, if you replace the woman with a man and men with women, that man would be flamed to hell and back.

Yes we experience things from men but men experience things from women, it's reasonable to tell them that not all men are like this as some people genuinely believe so (I have met women like this, it's honestly surprising.). I feel like we should start not saying the entirety of one gender is like this to avoid men feeling villianized, women feeling attacked, and others feeling preyed upon. Though this is just my point of view, /nm /gen. - L'neta <3

edit: also saying women can't differentiate good and bad men comes off as insulting (not sure if you meant it like that, I believe not.) as women CAN, we're not stupid, we can tell the difference, saying we can't to try and prove a point makes you hurt the side you're fighting for, intentionally or unintentionally. /nm - L'neta <3

Feb 22, 2022 12:24 am

anyone who makes any gender identity jokes i will seriously use it. pisses them the fuck off.

Feb 21, 2022 8:35 pm

yeah ppl like that suck lol, my english teacher (every1 loves him idk why) is rlly transphobic lmao even tho hes a gay man. He deadnames me and when i dont respond he like gets annoyed then says my real name... weird dude

Feb 21, 2022 7:34 pm

Por supuesto, pero tambien un simple "comes culo" o "comes coño" parece hacer callar a las ninos en mi autobus

Feb 21, 2022 5:53 pm

@CoNN13Killz: it may be a social construct but I and other women still have to suffer, but yeah I was just trying to say that what you were saying COULD be seen as invalidating to ppl who have had bad experiences, thank you for trying to give hope tho, it's really important to have men who aren't dangerous assholes sorry if I came of I the wrong way, I was just trying to explain how what you said could be taken the wrong way I'm glad we could have a civil discussion about this.