Legitimate Question: What's a System?

xXJustJoking8P 3/21/2022 05:54 am 1101

Warning: Controversial opinion-

I'm going to try my hardest to be as nice as possible saying this cause I think this is a touchy subject? Idk :0

Legitimate question, what is a system? I always saw it as kids thinking they had DID when they most likely didn't (It made me slightly uncomfortable but I didn't care much cause, y'know, kids : P) but I have some friends that call themselves systems so I wanted to be fair and research it! But I didn't come out with much- The most I came out with is that DID and being a system is two different things...? But idk that was the most I understood from the articles I read-

So like, now I'm legitimately curious, what is it? I'd be ecstatic to find out it's actually not related to DID or mental illness at all and it's actually just- A way to cope with trauma maybe? But even if it is linked to DID I'd still love to hear system's cases as to why they believe they have DID, even if I still end up disagreeing ^^ Or maybe agreeing, who knows? : D

(I rlly hope this was respectfully worded, I'd hate to upset anyone here! '>m<)

28 Replies

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Mar 21, 2022 9:58 am

@Lord_Cookie: Ya, I'm getting it I think? You can find out later but your already a system at that point?

Mar 21, 2022 9:52 am
@xXJustJoking8P: also your second question, it can be hard online but when people go "I made my system for fun or because I was lonely etc" is a MASSIVE indicator, you cannot make a system, nevermind have one for fun. A system can develop if you're traumatised by isolation, however that not the exact same as loneliness and people who do "develop" (cant find the right word rn) systems due to isolation will mostly likely say just that "I developed a system due to my isolation" not what people say. Also obviously like people "switching" when they think it will get them put of trouble, not taking full system accountability (that's not instantly a faker but it's very common in fakers to use their "alters" to get away with things) etc etc (may be wrong but that's how me/our system thinks of it) - charlie slimecicle
Mar 21, 2022 9:48 am

@xXJustJoking8P: well sometimes you can find out later but the system has already been developed! Like our og host cookie was in MASSIVE denial, even going to the point of saying crumble, cotton and Gavin were "mindspaces" and not alters.

You can find out youre a system but you are already there, if that makes sense. Like some alters werent aware they were in a system for a bit, however they are if you catch my drift? - charlie slimecicle

Mar 21, 2022 9:40 am

@timaeusTestified: So it's something you know your entire life? You can't just... Find out later on? :0
A second question too, we all know there are fakers out there for everything, how would you spot a system faker? kao smile

Mar 21, 2022 7:37 am

@xXJustJoking8P: No it has to result from repeated childhood trauma aka it can only develop at a young age (ages 6-9). and said trauma usually has to be pretty severe. Not everyone with trauma is a system.


Mar 21, 2022 7:25 am

@timaeusTestified: I see, I see... You mentioned it being involuntary and stems from trauma, is it that once you experience trauma you instantly get it or could it be a thing like... You have trauma, see a TikTok on systems, and remember your trauma and therefore begin involuntarily developing some alters?

Mar 21, 2022 7:12 am

@xXJustJoking8P: It is something that is self-diagnosable! Its sorta like tics. It's like not something that necessarily NEEDS to be diagnosed cuz in your eyes it would be obvious you have it. I don't know if that makes sense but yeah.

We aren't diagnosed as of yet but we do have medical recognition.


Mar 21, 2022 6:42 am

@timaeusTestified: Mhm, I see... What about diagnosis? Do systems usually have that or do you believe it is something that is self-diagnosable? kao smile

Mar 21, 2022 6:32 am

nah DID and being a system are usually the same thing. Its a disorder that comes from repeated childhood trauma at a young age. DID/OSDD usually "appears" (idk how to word it srry) around the ages of 6-9. It basically is a way to cope with trauma. But it's a disorder.

For systems, there are different alters that split off and when one is in control that's called fronting. Most alters have roles like host, co-host, protector, caretaker, etc.

If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.


Mar 21, 2022 6:21 am

My experience with it/understanding: DID/OSDD/ect are trauma responses to repeated childhood trauma or non repeated childhood trauma that cause the persons to split into another person(s) as a defence mechanism to that trauma. People who fake it 'have other personalities for fun' have a different mental disorder im not quite sure the name of. You can't choose who you get or even really know.

Having DID is the medical term for the host or original in the body. Being a system is the collective name for the person who has DIDs alters because they are a result of the host/original having DID and don't exactly have a term/nor do they have DID.

I hope this helps^^' -Stu!!