
Do you have questions about this website or want to make suggestions? Post them here

Displaying 331-340 of 428 results.
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how do u make a pattren on here

6/18/2014 06:09 am 1 910

Can you view answers to your questions?

6/17/2014 04:26 pm 2 1243

Deleting active kandi patterns?

6/7/2014 06:47 pm 1 994

how to upload a picture?

5/14/2012 02:35 pm 8 2888

Pony Bead Sweepstakes Winner!

4/20/2014 11:45 am 7 3155


3/31/2014 11:18 pm 1 826

Help to watch videos on here?

3/26/2014 07:29 am 3 1195