General Kandi Talk

Post casual questions about kandi here.

Displaying 1241-1250 of 2318 results.
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4/14/2021 03:21 pm 0 433

whats yr favourite type of cuff

4/13/2021 10:28 pm 5 510

pattern requests?

4/12/2021 11:06 am 6 693

No quirk!! // coming out help??

4/12/2021 07:26 am 2 531

Any Monster Hunter fans??

4/11/2021 08:02 pm 0 276

dhmis talk!!

4/11/2021 09:42 am 6 630

Any fans of FNAF or Minecraft?

4/7/2021 09:03 am 6 682

Sacrifice for More Beads

4/10/2021 07:47 pm 9 652