So... many of you have read my kandi ideas page, and many found it helpful. I've also noticed that many people Google for "kandi ideas" and come across that page. Well, I just took it a step further and compiled a page full of direct links to string, beads and trinkets for kandi. It is linked in the navigation bar as kandi supplies. Of course, you can still find many of these items in stores (the stores are listed on my kandi ideas page), but if you are a person that likes to shop online, you can get some good deals.

I had been recommending the website that sells these items for months, and have ordered from this website many times myself, so you can trust them.

And please don't hate on me for trying to sell stuff to you... you don't have to buy from these links. You can use the items as ideas, and find similar items whereever you wish ^-^ If you have seen any of the unique items listed in stores, please comment this blog and tell me where so I can inform people.

I think I'm going to go order some things from that page now, lol -.-