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On February 9, 2022 at 03:14 pm WATERPARKS said:

@The_Cowboy_Lad @CybrBoy: i agree with you both - personally i think chatting about your day is fine, it's when people treat a very public forum like a g*****n dating site or place to talk about how bad your life is that i have a problem.

when i came here this was an escape from normal social media for me, but a big wave of really young people just getting into the community seems to have made it even worse than the likes of tumblr or instagram where you can cater your experience more.

On February 9, 2022 at 03:09 pm CybrBoy said:

yeah true. Ive vented on here but only when im like rlly mad or sum then i delete it right after, its better to vent/talk abt things other than kandi to ur friends or people. I just dont want the site to die so i usually comment stuff asking abt peoples day and stuff just to get it goin

On February 9, 2022 at 03:07 pm The_Cowboy_Lad said:

i have many mixed feelings rn. On one hand, i like this as a moderated forum for kandi and toxicity usually is limited. On the other, theres so much... discourse? I've considered remaking a discord with heavy modding just to clear up but a lot of people are weary. idk anymore really, i want to talk to people but theres really no way to make everyone happy.

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On February 9, 2022 at 02:45 pm ferristhegreat said:

i do agree.

venting is good for you, it can help you get bad feelings out, but its probably better to write things down in a doc/journal or ask your friends if you can vent to them. ive seen some genuinely concerning threads, not like "oh... that's not good" concerning but rather "oh geez this person needs to call someone/get professional help asap" concerning

and i will admit: my conscience is not totally clear when it comes to the topic of venting on here. ive made a few vent threads, but i deleted them after a while and i eventually thought "hey maybe this isn't a great idea, people are starting to worry about me" (although my threads never really crossed the line of "school makes me feel like crap" but that still doesnt make it okay) and i started doing other things to vent or just ignored those negative emotions by doing stuff that calms me down (like making kandi, for example).

On February 9, 2022 at 02:40 pm heckarockstick said:

I agree tbh, although I don’t want this site to die

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On February 9, 2022 at 02:05 pm urloverboy said:

@Moon9: agreed!

im glad we can have a civil discussion on this. maybe the first time it was brought up i was unclear, or maybe its because transmeds have a bad rep (well you can tell because we're often called trus***s), (thinking we dont think nb people/neopronouns/xenogenders are valid, we literally only want to argue, we think everyone who doesnt share our experience is a tr*nder, etc) or what, but i definitely got off on the wrong foot with some people, not that I wouldn't respect the fact that someone would want to avoid interacting with me because of this belief, because I would, but i think what I said was misinterpreted (i dont even have the post anymore so idk). i just believe that you have to have dysphoria to an extent to be trans! (as long as you're not like "ooo i wanna be trans because its trendy!!" or "this gender is so cute, i want to be *insert gender*!" keyword want. if you say you're a man, if you say youre a woman, if you say you're catgender or pixelgender, i believe you! I support you! but if you say you want to be a gender, you may not be that gender. Saying you want to be a gender is implying that you're not. Gender is not an aesthetic, but some people can incorporate an aesthetic into their gender because its what makes them comfortable. but i understand some people feel that they cant be a certain gender, aka internal transphobia, so in that case i can understand saying you want to be a certain gender. again, just my belief)

On February 9, 2022 at 02:00 pm wwwtriplebakacom said:

ohh noo! im sorry you feel that way crying ill b here to talk if u ever need anything!