Alt kids: the weirdest experience you've had in public

XTrinity_TraumaticX 2/18/2021 02:26 pm 3215

Story time guys! Tell me your craziest experience out in public in your full outfit :00 what were you wearing? Was it a karen? Christian? Crackhead joe down the street?

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Feb 20, 2021 10:34 am

I don't go out very often, so I don't have many experiences, but one time a kid on my bus told me I needed some sun in my life.

Feb 20, 2021 12:04 pm

I just remembered a funny but really really fucked up there was this basic bitch girl at my boys and girls club (she was a staff) and me and my freind dress super alt and the staff asked me if i worshiped satan and I calmly said "yes" later that day I drew a pentagram on my arm and showed it to her and I said "ah this final day will be long lasting for the satanic revoloution" and than she also would make fun of me and the girl I was freinds with so I pulled shit like that on her all the time. we knew she cleaned the bathrooms and we got ketchup packets and squirt them everywhere and than made a makeshift "satanic ritual" in the restroom. (this was me and my guy freind that also hated her) I usually am not this mean to peeps but this lady deserved it she was this conservative basic lady that was like homophobic and shit so we always made satanic rituals where ever she went to..........she eventually quit her job.

Feb 20, 2021 12:51 pm

ahh, th3 many many st0r!3s ! hav3....[ahh, the many many stories I have....]
>G0t call3d a bunny wh!l3 !n d3c0ra fash!0n, !t was a l!ttl3 g!rl and ! was w3ar!ng my bunny hat du3 2 th3 ra!n. !t was v3ry sw33t[Got called a bunny while in decora fashion, it was a little girl and I was wearing my bunny hat due 2 the rain. It was very sweet]
>Th3 am0unt 0f t!m3s !v3 b33n cat call3d !n d3c0ra !s scary, !m a m!n0r[The amount of times Ive been cat called in decora is scary, Im a minor]
>Had p!cs tak3n 0f m3 wh!l3 !n sc3n3, ! d!dnt c0ns3nt 2 !t[Had pics taken of me while in scene, I didnt consent 2 it]
>slurs slurs 0h s0 many slurs
>¨Ar3 ur brac3l3ts c0v3r!ng um, scars?¨ ! d0nt d0 s/h l3t al0n3 w0uld ! t3ll a strang3r !f ! d0 s0 [¨Are ur bracelets covering um, scars?¨ I dont do s/h let alone would I tell a stranger if I do so]
And thats all 0f !t, pr3tty sur3 th3r3s pr0bs m0r3, but thats all ! can th!nk 0f[And thats all of it, pretty sure theres probs more, but thats all I can think of]

Feb 20, 2021 1:30 pm

doesnt rly havve to do much wwith me being emo? but my bf is punk and im emo and once wwe wwent to the gas station to get stuff to make monster battery acid. i wwas dressed pretty masc to pass and my bf already passes rly wwell. wwe wwere paying and the cashier wwas really nice, she wwas fine that i wwas a feww cents short and she wwas ovverall just the embodiment of "swweet mom in wwalmart wwho calls you baby". but right before wwe left she called us ladies. DID SHE THINK WWE WWERE LESBIANS?? WWHAT

Feb 20, 2021 9:53 pm

my brother and i walk down to the gas station weekly, and often people honk at us, usually liek "cool outfit" but some i can't tell if they're negative or positive. 8-10th grade boys, always in packs on these bikes with thicc-ass wheels, are plentiful and either say "eW fUrRy" when i have a tail/ears or just say other stuff liek that. one time tho, a guy came up to us and said, "they'll try to tell you it's always been cowboys and indians, but it hasn't always been cowboys and indians." we had never seen him, nor did we knew what the hell he meant. he then complimented my brother's slipknot shirt and walked away.

so there ya go winkwink

Feb 20, 2021 10:15 pm

@_nykto_: LOL idk if thisss iss related but whennn I wasss wearinggg myy slipknot shirttt I haddd some old guyyy comeee up to meee and saiddd donttt lett themm telll u what’s wrong or righttt followww ur ownnn path and then complimented my slipknot shirt. Guess there’s a lot of weird men who like slipknot?? XD

Feb 21, 2021 12:52 am

So I was in walmart and some weirdo started staring at me and following my mom and I. It began to get creepy after awhile. I verbally pointed him ot and eh ran away. that was some crazy shit tbh.

Feb 21, 2021 10:21 am

some one thought i was gay, guess they aint wrong animal05

Feb 21, 2021 11:25 am

Once I was wearing a pretty toned down fit: tank top, flannel, a mini skirt over flare jeans, platform doc martens, kandi, and a shit load of chain jewelry, and this group of so called "basic" girls started following me around TJ Maxx taking pictures of me and snickering > Eventually I confronted them after they started calling me racist slurs and made fun of their bland a$$ outfits and stereotypical style. Needless to say they left me alone after that <3

I don't really care about what others think so majority of the time I don't notice when people are looking at me funny in public, even if I do I usually assume they're my fans

Feb 24, 2021 8:03 am

so one time, I was in ALL out decora kei, literally head to toe in colors, and this mother came out to me with her daughter. Her daughter looked AMAZED. Her mother however,,,, was pissed. she said some bullshit about how I was distracting her daughter from doing her schoolwork. beware, I was at a park. like i get going to park and reading or something but doing schoolwork?? with your maybe 7 year old daughter?? WHEN THERES A PLAYGROUND, RIGHT THERE?? not the smartest idea. so then I told her how she shouldn't really bring her daughter to a playpark, of course she's gonna be distracted, even if I wasnt there she'd still much rather go play than do some math. The lady yelled at me, blah blah blah, normal karen stuff, it ended with me giving the girl a few of my hair clips and the mom just giving up happy I will forever wonder how that girl is doing right now.