Update on my last post bc why not (and other stuff)

BunnyBoyDeku 6/26/2022 12:11 am 438

Warning: long post ahead 5148648a74905_raining-cloud.gif

Ok ok ok so earlier I posted something saying that I was confused abt my gender and stuff, but I *think* I've figured it out

I think I'm gonna start using bxyflux, a mix between bxy and boyflux. I was already using bxy, and was considering boyflux. I was also thinking about maybe genderfaun but for me it's specifically male and agender/gendervoid, each one varying in intensity at different times (this also includes rosboy for me) I guess I'd sometimes be demiboy and some other male-alligned genders, but I won't use any of those -- just trans bxyflux, or just shortened to bxyflux, and rosboy

Another few things those decided: one, I'll use both agender and gendervoid!! Both fit and I like both terms, so it doesn't matter which one people use for me ^^ two, I'm no longer omniromantic. Just bi with some exceptions. Idk, I don't really feel attracted to *all* genders but I wouldn't say I'm poly either. Three, my new preferred name is Izuku!! This isn't entirely bc of the character tho, there's a lot of memories attached to what I was using before... I'll still sometimes be fine with Kai or Kinoko btw. One more thing, I think I'm permanently fine with either he/him or they/them. Like, it doesn't matter which one, I'm perfectly fine with either

Last but not least, could some of you please use some of my neopronouns for me? I'm still new to using neos and really no one has used any for me yet, so I wanna know how I feel with them. If you wanna know specifically what they are, just lmk!! 513b55c6de216_kao_happy.gif

Ok, I think that's all for now. I'll try not to bore you guys with any more details 513b55c740178_kao_sick.gif


4 Replies

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Jun 26, 2022 12:20 am

i use cat/catself & kitten/kittenself, but theres ALOT of them, so i would look up some and fell whats right for u!, i picked catself & kittenself bc i like cats alot (not sexually) and cats always been a thing in my life but thats why i use em lol sprry i got off topic but yeah, hope this helped!!hkheart

-Glitchy or Kanny!

Jun 26, 2022 12:29 am

@KannyKitty: That's actually exactly how I am with gore/goreself lol, and even using goric- my gender isnt connected with gore but I still love it XD so I'm ok using terms and neos even if my gender doesn’t change or feel different?

Jun 26, 2022 10:30 am

If you want to try out any pronouns, I would check out the Pronoun Dressing Room w02

All you need to do is put in your preferred name and pronouns, and it'll give you a paragraph which uses both so you can see if you like the pronouns or name. Also, they have a huge list of neo pronouns, so if you want to try something different, just look around there. overall, its a great website for trying out names and pronouns w34

Jun 26, 2022 11:32 am

@Rainy_Daze: tysm!! This is really helpful w03