How has your week been? :3

plurzombie 4/15/2023 06:51 pm 656

I've been having a really wonderful week, and felt like askin yall!

On Monday I had a court case that had been going on for around a year finally dismissed (there was a lot of bogus blehhhhh just know it was a huge W)

I had an mp3 player come in the mail!!! Though I have to wait for an SD adapter to come on next monday xp

I also had a friend gift me Papa's Freezeria Deluxe on steam, which the papa louie franchise is a SpIn of mine, and I've been wanting it for a while x3

also first thread I've ever posted, so that's also a highlight in it of itself 513b39528f2f2_thumbsup.gif

15 Replies

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Apr 16, 2023 11:53 am
@LoveLy_ScoTTy: Sounds a bit sucky, hope u get even better sooner! :3
Apr 16, 2023 11:52 am
@NERDEMOHATEYALL: Dang that must rlly suck :/
Apr 16, 2023 11:52 am

@Peanut: Ooooo sounds kewl :3

Apr 16, 2023 7:51 am

got sick this week lol but my throats been feeling better, ive just been sneezing a shiz tone

Apr 16, 2023 7:02 am

horrible. My young brother ruin my phone and I can’t fix it

Apr 16, 2023 6:28 am

I got stressed and shaved the sides of my head. It looks good tho. Gonna redo my kids colored bangs today

Apr 16, 2023 3:54 am

bad crying i hadt o go to the city

Apr 16, 2023 12:21 am

@T0BY_T3RR0R: Oooo ya I had the end of a quarter on my online school and right around now is when I would've had those stupid tests :/ and also same me and my friend also are planning halloween this early in the year just so we wouldn't forget x3 have fun with ur cosplay!!

Apr 15, 2023 10:43 pm

Mine has been ok. All week at school I had state testing so my schedule was weird which I don't really like. Me and my friends were talking about what we want to do for Halloween (we know it's April we just like Halloween a lot) and tonight I'm going to cosplay. rainbowsmile

Apr 15, 2023 10:11 pm

@bunnyb0y39: I'm really sorry to hear that /gen

I've been going through my own rough times, not to try and compare them to yours, but I understand, and I'll be rooting for you in the back of my head (: I also get coping with fictional characters, I do it all the time, even if it may be silly, if it helps, it helps

Half azzed reply i feel on my behalf but I really do hope all goes well with you (: