hahahahaha men. (rant)

natluvscats688 2/21/2022 10:18 am 1880

so this kid in my spanish class thinks its funny to randomly yell out that hes non-binary as a joke

some kids laugh, some kids look at him funny, and others look at me and laugh bc im trans...

istg i cannot stand this class. spanish is so easy for me and i enjoy the work, and learning a (well not new to me, ive been learning spanish since i was a little kid, my mom's latina and before she left she did one useful thing) language. But these people man... i cant anymore istg

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Feb 24, 2022 9:09 am
@Lord_Cookie: @CoNN13Killz: @s0ggyt4quit0s: I'd honestly like to end this argument because I genuinely feel like it's a waste of time, there's absolutely no point none of our minds are going to change, but again Connie I do not think poorly of you in any way, I just ask that you be careful in what you say on a post where someone is being emotionaly vaunrable, and please just think a little bit about what I said. I hope there are no hard feelings here bc I wasn't trying to hurt anyone although I dont think I did, you all made very good points, I really want this site to be a good safe positive space. I am also getting very exhausted by this. I hope we can all get past this and move on.
Feb 24, 2022 9:00 am
@CoNN13Killz: I'd also like to say in order for men to improve they should listen to women when they say "hey this can be extremely invalidating and kinda problematic" instead of just assuming they hate all men and think they are all bad, instead of getting upset automatically maybe consider what was said.
Feb 24, 2022 8:58 am
@s0ggyt4quit0s: but I'm not just talking about my experiences I'm giving literal statistics and science-based evidence, I even offered to link sourced to further my point how is that just my experiences?
Feb 24, 2022 8:56 am
@s0ggyt4quit0s: yes exactly this is what I am trying to say.
Feb 24, 2022 8:54 am

@Lord_Cookie: Saying I and other women fear all men is not villinizing them, it's just how I feel and also it's a literal statistic that more men are p3d0s than women, I'm sorry but I'm not going to trust men just bc they aren't all bad, I littlerally gave an example of my point. I am not going to trust men I don't know, when I walk by a man in the street I am not going to trust him. That is not villinizing and saying that it is is littlerally dangerous.

Feb 24, 2022 2:27 am

@Moon9: //SA mention, P3d0philia mention, 4buse mention
First of all, I'm not trying to start an argument, secondly, I said it comes off as insulting, as a woman myself. Thirdly, sure, saying it on this post isn't the best but it can be so infuriating to constantly see it. Yes, I'm extremely sorry about what's happened to you and hope you're recovering /gen /srs but it hurts men in similar ways and men also struggle getting away with things women can. For example the court cases where women got let off from pedophilia free with no jail time while a man is imprisoned for his entire life (not justifying pedos, the woman should be locked up is what I'm saying).

I understand trauma causes people to see things differently, I truly do, and I'm not trying to downplay that. I'm trying to say, even if it is a safe place, stop villianizing entire groups. The amount of people I've seen go into these "safe spaces" and come out harrassing men is disgusting and it hurts women as well. Men feel targetted, then women will get targeted even more. Yes, they were always targetted, but generalizing men gives evil men even more of a "reason" (a poor one, but the more reasons they have, the more they'll be sympathised with.) and you hurt men who simply wish to live. (one of our alters lost friends because they identified as a male and they were scared that the alter will hurt, r4pe, abuse etc them). Please, I know it may be hard but stop allowing people to generalize. Men are not oppressed, women are, but they both deserve no generalization. If you understand, I'm trying to be really polite and understand your point of view, I have been hurt by men as well. That does not change my view on them, I have accepted that there are bad men, just as there are bad women. I really hope this doesn't hurt you or anyone in any way, I'm just exhausted. /gen /srs - L'neta <3

  • CoNN13Killz
Feb 23, 2022 6:33 pm

@s0ggyt4quit0s: honestly men are getting better every day and also yeah men suck i know some bad men but i rlly feel like its older men and that younger men r getting better @ respect

Feb 23, 2022 6:29 pm

@CoNN13Killz: Ah i see. But still, as an AFAB person and a girl myself, I know not every single man is bad. However, enough men are bad that I fear every man i walk by when i'm not in a school or home setting. Men see that as unreasonable sometimes, and when they do, I think they haven't really thought of how often something life threatening happens to women because a man just felt like it. Every girl I've talked to ever over the age of 11 knows someone personally (a friend, a classmate, an acquaintance, a coworker) who has been harassed but no men ever seem to know any harassers, and it's sad you know? Also, when I say every girl I meant that literally. That is not an exaggeration. I am serious. that being said, I am hopeful that in the future men stop acting so entitled towards women and we can honestly live equally. Until then though, I will always live in fear of the man on the other side of the street, the man who brushed against my arm in the mall, and the men in trucks because it was men in trucks who honked their cars at me and whistled when I was only 12.

  • CoNN13Killz
Feb 23, 2022 6:18 pm

@s0ggyt4quit0s: me and moon got on a tangent i think i was explaining that i said not all men are assholes in a hopeful way and i think they understood that

Feb 23, 2022 6:15 pm

@CoNN13Killz and @Moon9 @Moon9 (I put ur user twice cause idk how links work and I hope one of them notifies you), something that happens often is {Group A} only ever talking about their experiences when {Group B} is trying to open up about their experiences. Ex: women saying "I was harassed" and a man saying "well men get harassed too". Both things are true and both things should absolutely be talked about, but they should be talked about separately so that they both get the attention they deserve. I feel like the situation I described kind of happened here? Yes women absolutely do horrible things, but this forum is meant to be a safe space for the original poster to talk about their poor experience with a man, and maybe have a few people comfort them or help them out in other ways. I wanna be clear I'm not saying this to be mean, I think it's honestly something important to think about. Separate chats about different but equally important topics are necessary, and it's important to listen to each other. Remember PLUR peace