what unpopular kandi opinions do yall have?

bubbleowo 4/23/2022 12:21 am 3699

some of mine include :

- you dont need to use fishing line for masks/panels - clear coord or regular stretchy cloth covered cord works just as well (if you pull hard on the cloth covered cord)

- matte beads > glossy beads

- rainbow colored cloth stretch cord just makes everything better

- ladder stitched cuffs are really underrated for some reason

76 Replies

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Apr 25, 2022 4:06 pm

u shouldn't have kandi all the way up to ur shoulders, at least not tight kandi, try to make it wide pieces bc tight kandi can fuck up ur arm's blood circulation

glossy beads/sparkle beads >>> matte beads (im so srry lol, i just like them bc they give off an early 2000s vibe, especially hot pink ones)

i prefer singles over cuffs, i do make cuffs ofc but singles r just easier to make, need less beads, and i have more ideas 4 singles than cuffs

Apr 25, 2022 3:06 pm

@Gothi: i suppose they were mildly funny at first (i had one that said "pee", no idea where it is now) but then it just got old tbh crying

Apr 25, 2022 2:56 pm

cuffs > singlets happy

Apr 25, 2022 1:25 pm

fishing line isnt great for kandi in general (tho if u can use it damn im jealous/impressed)

Apr 25, 2022 11:54 am

piss bracelets arent funny.

Apr 25, 2022 11:12 am

i like 3ds, i think they are cool, but i never wear them lol

Apr 25, 2022 10:36 am

@13Killz: i think making it to sell is fine, personally!

Apr 24, 2022 7:33 pm

-every time i see something that's like a post abt "fake kandi posers" or sum, theres always comments like "aslong as you follow plur and dont buy kandi frm big retailers", but i feel like buying kandi from places like amazon isnt that big of a deal yk? i mean SOMEONE had to make it, I mean obviously you should always buy from small businesses first, but honestly i dont see how its a big problem. DOnt buy from places that are homophobic, racist, transphobic, etc, but like... idk give your 2 cents on it

-(this is kinda related to kandi, more just the alt community) Just bc someone dresses scene/emo doesnt make them a poser lmao. Like let them wear whetever tf they want, it doesnt make them a fake kandi kid or sum... chill

  • 13Killz
Apr 24, 2022 7:04 pm

@xXM0NZTER_SYSXx: i agree w u on like selling kandi that u dont want anymore but what about making it to sell

Apr 24, 2022 6:53 pm

-omg I felt that about the fishing line thing I’ve never used it and have made great masks

-flat charms made with beads are adorable and I love them Ik most ppl complain about making them but they’re one of my favorite things to make