give me funny school stories

josuyasu 3/28/2022 03:12 pm 1605

im bored i need a good laugh

58 Replies

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Sep 15, 2022 2:50 pm

I set my butt on fire with a battery on accident

Sep 15, 2022 3:01 pm

one time there were about 30 fights at my school in one day, it wasn't even a full day, we got let out at 12:30 (we got out at 2 normally), I like to call it fight Friday, everyone woke up and chose violence.

there was even a fight at 7:03 in the morning, 3 minutes after the doors opened.

Sep 15, 2022 3:13 pm

last year we had a kid drive a forkilft through one of the doors after school, they still havent fixed it

Sep 16, 2022 3:52 am

my friend and i went to the bathroom yesterday during lunch and there were two people in there and one of them kept saying "im going to get that hot boy from choir to kiss you!" over and over and my friend and i were so confused shrug also the bathrooms at my school are so bad, theres graffiti all over them (my favorites being "heart bounce your mom" and someone asking advice about how to ask a girl out that's like two paragraphs long)

also!! yesterday was throwback day (i did a whole seventies punk thing because i had no clue what else i could do) and my principal kept walking around with a speaker blasting backstreet boys the whole day

Sep 16, 2022 5:38 am

@3DS: (CW caps)

WHAT THIS HAPPENED TO MY SCHOOL TOO- was it like a trend of something? I have like 83 of them from finding them. I went on multiple missions to find them- used all my hall passes-

Sep 16, 2022 5:49 am

during the devious lick trend someone tried to steal a whole @$$ toilet from the high school bathrooms but then they got caught and either suspended or expelled idk

also there was a fight on the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL and the kid who started the fight started fighting the teacher that tried breaking up the fight and literally body-slammed him and then ran out of school and off campus when more teachers started coming to get him, it was WILD shock

ALSO i went into one of the bathroom stalls and there was a giant face staring at me w "Go on. Pee." written next to it and I didn't do anything for like a minute before I just left out of fear LMAO

Sep 16, 2022 7:52 am

@Caitlynn: damn oof

Sep 16, 2022 7:53 am

@xXtobyXx: I can explain, the story is just a little long XD

  • KandiCupcakes123
Sep 16, 2022 7:59 am

@SixApologist: some kid actually stole the toilet at the highschool when i was in 8th grade and they never got caught shock

Sep 16, 2022 8:12 am

Once in 5th grade, we used to play ball and we would throw it as high and as far as we could. So one day Ean (tall boy, basically looked like a surfer but not homophobic surprisingly) threw the ball over the fence and the teacher told him that if they couldn't get the ball back they would have to stay inside. So they (Ean, Preston, and Trey) struggled to get the ball, little did they know that you could go around the fence so they wasted like-- 30 minutes trying to get over the fence. I remember the teacher recording and laughing at them when I finally pointed it out to them. I have another story if anyone wants me to share?? - Andierz/Andie