so im moving 2 america. i need serious advice.

4r1mak3sk4ndi 3/28/2023 08:22 pm 493

im from israel. my family raised enough money to move to america! we are moving to pennsylvania and hopefully will adjust to the american living style. I NEED ADVICE FOR SCHOOL, FASHION, FRIENDS, ENGLISH, OR JUST LIVIN! helpppppp plzzzzz633f1744401f6_tbh.gif633f1744401f6_tbh.gif

14 Replies

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Mar 29, 2023 3:16 pm

mmm as a pennsylvania-born human being i think i can help a bit (im basing all this off the things i know abt the area i live in)

school...idk, i dont go to a normal school

fashion- honestly you can wear anything, but some people are rly rude and will infact make fun of your every move if they dont like what u look like

friends - i dont rly have any so idk

living in generallll,,,,,theres actually some cool things to do in pa as a sort of weekend trip or something, but ive also never lived literally anywhere else so idk how different itll be

i hope literally any of this helped!

Mar 29, 2023 4:57 am

I recommend having some protection on you cause this country can be somewhat dangerous considering the recent hate crimes here.

Usually the teachers in America are somewhat nice so they should go easy on you, You don't really need anything in fashion, wear what you like!
You should just be yourself and try talking to people to make friends. I'm sorry if this didn't really help that much.

Mar 29, 2023 4:28 am

I moved to America from England when I was 9, but that was such a long time ago (1997) that I don’t think any of my insights would be useful, especially since I haven’t lived in America for over 10 years (I moved back to England). I’ll tell you one thing that confused us when we first moved, which may not be relevant to Israel: we thought that all stores which had shopping carts outside were grocery stores, so we thought Target was a grocery store. We went in to get food and we were very disappointed by the limited selection of food laugh You might have similarly weird things like that happen to you, where you misunderstand how something works. Don’t feel bad about it. It happens

Expect quite a lot of culture shock at first. What I recall from both moves is that it was mostly lots of constant small differences that messed with me. Things like light switches being on the inside vs outside of rooms. You might be able to find posts online from people who’ve moved from Israel who will have a better idea of what the differences are. Also, making friends with other immigrants can be helpful and can make you feel less alone.

Mar 29, 2023 4:09 am

Hi! I've been living in America for my whole life so I can def help!

1. don't be surprised at how diverse and slightly revealing the clothes can be. You'll most likely be fine in what you normally wear, but just know that a lot of people wear some...out lol

2. Since where you're going is up north, people will typically be more respectful and stuff but there may be a few who give you some looks. Just ignore them.

3. I'm not sure what it's like in Isreal, but school can be a challenge depending on where you're going, but so long as you're prepared you'll be fine

hope this helped!