sh0w m3 y0ur typiing quiirkz!!! (show me your typing quirks!!!)

p1x3l_k1tty 2/2/2021 09:47 am 6975

i l0v3 l00kiing @t th3m, m@k3 sur3 t0 pr0viid3 tr@nzlatii0nz 5148ae306977f_hkheart.gif

(i love looking at them, make sure to provide translations)

44 Replies

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Mar 5, 2024 8:09 am

Also I feel like 99% of typing quirks are either replacing vowels with numbers of replacing "s" with "z" . I guess my only typing quirk is that I put a space before an exclamation mark (like so !)

Mar 5, 2024 8:05 am

My typing quirk is that I *mostly* use proper grammar and capitalization/puncuation unless I'm feeling lazy. (btw that's not to say that ppl who don't are lazy lol I just don't like typing in all lowercase and I ESP hate not using any puncuation) awesome1

(my typ1n9 qu1rk 15 th@t 1 u53 pr0p3r 9r@mm@r @nd puncu@t10n unl355 1m f33l1n9 l@zy)

Mar 5, 2024 6:26 am



Mar 4, 2024 10:48 pm

i don't currently use a typing quirk, but i used to use a small one where i would double r's

like this --> "rred rroverr rred rroverr send rriley rright overr" (translation: red rover red rover send riley right over) (idk i needed a sentence with a lot of r's)

Mar 4, 2024 5:59 pm

my 7yping quirk is basic, all i dø is replace "o" wi7h "ø" and "T" wi7h "7".

  • _dekinai_ko_
Sep 24, 2021 1:49 pm

I use a l9t 9f different typing quirks, 6ut they always inv9lve leetspeak s9meh9w. This 9ne is my fav9rite. S9metimes when I get angry adding a l9t m9re num6ers scratches the 6rain itch. EX: L1K3 7H12. 3N71R3LY UN1N73LL1G1BL3 BU7 V3RY FUN 70 7YP3 1N.

//I use a lot of different typing quirks, but they always involve leetspeak somehow. This one is my favorite. Sometimes when I get angry adding a lot more numbers scratches the brain itch. EX: Like this. Entirely unintelligible but very fun to type in.//

Sep 24, 2021 12:12 pm

@TOPG666: what did you say?

Sep 24, 2021 12:11 pm

wh3n 1 u53 4 typ1ng qu1rk, 1 u5u4lly r3pl4c3 50m3 l3tt3rz w1th numb3rz 4nd r3pl4c3 S’s w1th ’s l0lz laugh 0h y34h 4nd 1 u53 X3 4 l0t cheer

(When I use a typing quirk, I usually replace some replace some letters with numbers and replace s’s with z’s lols. Oh yeah and I use X3 a lot)

Sep 24, 2021 12:01 pm

h@h@ w0@h sussy @@@@@

(haha woah sussy aaaaa) and nepeta and aradia use their canon typing quirks, king doesnt have one, and kira uses ^ for a and 6 for b

Sep 24, 2021 11:35 am

addie (zyztem member) replacez vowelz w numberz, uzez all capz, and replacez ‘s’ with ‘z.’ zhe’z co-fronting right now, and thiz typing thing iz getting to me.