why is the dsmp bad? /gen

Kitxou 11/18/2021 05:37 am 14143

just curious about why people hate or like the dsmp because ive heard/seen bad things about the members, especially dream and wilbur

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Nov 18, 2021 6:26 am

@P4R1S: tysm!!

Nov 18, 2021 11:27 am

there's a bunch of carrds n google docs listing w proof of everything the members have done (dont have links at the moment sry, some of them r posted in older anti-dsmp threads on here) even though some members that havent said/done bad things, like (last time i checked) ranboo n skeppy, they still associate themselves w bad ppl?? so for the most part, thats still not the greatest

don't listen to ppl who r like "oh its just the fandom! juste the toxic stans" nah thats in every fandom ever, not just dream smp, the fandom isnt whats wrong w it (although u could argue that it partially is cuz theyre the ones fueling the members popularity n literal career) but its the actual smp members

Nov 18, 2021 11:57 am

All I know is that some fans/stans can be over-protective and toxic, making the entire community/fandom seem bad. As someone who has been watching the Dsmp for over a year, I have never firsthand seen any of the members say/do anything offensive, but if they do end up doing something like that, most of them make sure to apologize. Everyone makes mistakes and as long as they work to right those wrongs there's no reason they should be considered "bad people"

Nov 18, 2021 12:25 pm

dream himself is a trump supporter

Nov 18, 2021 12:45 pm

I know next to nothing about the people in the SMP or even what it's about so take my words a bit lightly:

Personally, I dislike it mainly for the fandom and how they treat others. Mainly the Uber Sensitive people and those who Force the SMP into everything. Yes. Its a minority of the community and I acknowlage that. Heck even I have friends who like it and ar chill about it. Its also just not my cup of tea so happy

Nov 18, 2021 1:14 pm

@Valen_: even if they make an apology it doesnt make it ok

Nov 18, 2021 1:43 pm

@V4MP1RE_GUTZZ: Yeah aren't they all like grown people kao sick

  • bugz_doez_kandi
Nov 18, 2021 1:47 pm

so from what i know / have heard, apparently some memberz of the dsmp have said offensive thingz, (i haven't seen it, but if i do, i can tell u) and also i feel like itz just the fandom that ruinz it.. itz very toxic and stuff, but even so all fandomz have toxic and gross ppl in them

Nov 18, 2021 1:50 pm

most, if not all, of them are racists

Nov 18, 2021 1:55 pm

@V4MP1RE_GUTZZ: it depends, if they genuinely show that they've changed and that they have become a better person then it's like,, okay? but if someone just apologizes but doesn't actually change, then its not. it honestly depends in my opitopn, of couse, you can think what you want :-)