All Questions

Use this area of the site to ask and answer questions about kandi. These are casual questions and answers - more like a forum - so there's not an option to select the "best" answer. However, you will earn points for each question you ask & answer.

Displaying 5361-5370 of 17509 results.
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anyone play dragonvale ????

12/14/2022 12:14 pm 2 200

good place to get perlers??

12/14/2022 06:38 am 7 412

anybody else like fall out boy??

12/8/2022 07:57 am 5 349

Any patterns you guys wish you saw more?

12/12/2022 11:54 am 37 2095

Don’t kill me for this, but… /nsrs

12/13/2022 01:56 pm 5 333


12/14/2022 10:14 am 0 189

it's my bday tomorrow !!

12/13/2022 04:38 am 25 516

Any other Slothrust fans?

12/14/2022 05:42 am 0 116

Aussies! Who's excited for Laneway????

12/13/2022 06:19 am 10 178


12/13/2022 02:42 pm 4 266