All Questions

Use this area of the site to ask and answer questions about kandi. These are casual questions and answers - more like a forum - so there's not an option to select the "best" answer. However, you will earn points for each question you ask & answer.

Displaying 12981-12990 of 17505 results.
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9/7/2021 01:30 pm 5 623

Any Ideas for some 3d cuffs? ;0

9/4/2021 07:45 pm 4 538

any other British people here ??lol

8/28/2021 07:45 am 9 481

Old patterns not showing up?

5/11/2021 10:55 am 8 980

ENA kandi

9/7/2021 12:14 am 6 587

kuromi kandi/props costume ideas

9/5/2021 11:00 pm 2 552

Other PPT fans?

9/6/2021 06:27 pm 2 392

i made a fly friend

5/18/2021 05:35 am 12 840

peyote charm help!!

9/6/2021 01:48 pm 1 300

I need some unique kandi ideas pls!

6/23/2021 04:44 pm 10 771