General Kandi Talk

Post casual questions about kandi here.

Displaying 1451-1460 of 2318 results.
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12/10/2020 05:48 am 24 1964

friends! :)

2/3/2021 01:00 pm 3 831

whats your favorite kand youve made :33

1/7/2021 04:41 pm 23 1681

where to put kandi

2/1/2021 09:07 am 19 1393

any 18+ kandi "kids" around?

1/26/2021 09:10 pm 2 676

what to put on kandi?

1/27/2021 03:21 pm 3 710


1/27/2021 05:30 am 2 650

shsl e-boy

1/27/2021 12:49 am 2 645