General Kandi Talk

Post casual questions about kandi here.

Displaying 1281-1290 of 2318 results.
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3/29/2021 03:46 pm 15 1365

How to stop tics?

3/29/2021 10:05 pm 2 820

Hi! (03-15-2021)

3/15/2021 05:56 pm 5 687

should i put this on my profile??

3/14/2021 12:06 am 3 562

Any tips?

3/13/2021 03:42 pm 4 643


3/29/2021 02:42 pm 1 382

Bold Beads

3/27/2021 09:17 pm 4 836

Wut is a kin?

3/28/2021 05:02 pm 5 580