ayooo weird school shit lmao

lovejoyflowers 12/7/2021 04:31 pm 245

tw for child abduction / kidnapping , mention of school shooting threat

so at school today everything was going as normal but then in 3rd period an amber alert went off for some car at a starbucks , then after like 5 minutes of the people (including me) speculating what the hell its about a shelter in place happened and now everyone is even more confused, then one of the people at my table's phone went off and got another amber alert. Then some kids were asking if they could go to the bathroom and the teacher said no lmfao, then one of the principals said that the shelter in place ended. Later in the day when 4th period ended and I was heading to 5th period the principal went onto the intercom again and said the shelter in place was continuing (yayy /s). Now in 6th period was starting people were saying the amber alert was about some weird ass dude abducting/kidnapping a 15 year old and that someone at another school near us was threatening to start a school shooting and that that also had some connection the elementary school near us, then when class officially started the teacher was saying how the shelter in place had no connection to the amber alert and that the reason why our school went into shelter in place was because some dude in our community was threatening to harm people in the community and that there was going to be specific things people have to follow for everyone after school that she was going to talk about near the end of class. When class was close to ending there was an intercom announcement that said most of that stuff. Our teacher then talked about it from a power point she got sent and answered questions n stuff about it. After school I headed to the after school thing i go to usually (it was the only one people were allowed to go to if they were signed up for it) and then we had a meeting in which the counselor said that when we get picked up by someone we had to walk out with one of the counselors, and for people who were walking home they had to get picked up or had to walk with a friend there. Also to add to this strange day an amber alert appeared last night.

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Dec 8, 2021 4:38 am

yo whuh? thats really crazy i hope u r safe and continue to be animal06 -phil