When people ask for your kandi--

Kafferz 9/27/2012 06:05 pm 1244

I'm talking about non ravers, or non kandi kids or people who don't know about this culture. Yknow, like people from school or something. I don't know how to explain that I don't want to give away big pieces if you don't even wear/make it/know what it is. I also don't know how to explain that I'm not giving away something that someone has made me. People ask me all the time if they can have something. Like a 3D, multi, necklace, perler. Okay, I'm all for trading, but I'm not giving away something that took me hours for you to throw out or break >.< I'm awkward as shit too. I don't even like making kandi for my friends anymore.. From past experiances, my friends are douches and lose it, break it, CUT IT TO MAKE THEIR OWN, give it away, etc. So the question is, how do I explain that I don't want to give them anything. (I'm NOT talking about trading at a rave or anything. I mean people from my school/etc.) 1.gif

9 Replies

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  • Hardstyle_Darkness
Oct 1, 2012 4:30 pm
I usualy just shrug when they ask me to teach them how to make them and say that it was really hard and took forever and just try to get the topic off of me. That or when they ask me how I made it I just show them all tbe strings in between my cuffs and say... yeah. Then look in awe and realise that it is impossible for them to make it. happy I hope this helps!!
Sep 29, 2012 5:01 pm
People don't ask for mine, they ask me to make them things. I usually say no, unless they're my friends and they really want it, or they offer to pay me. The thing I really hate is when people take off my kandi and put it on, my friend does that with everything I have.
  • Purpl3Sag3
Sep 29, 2012 11:02 am
I kinda just give kandi to everyone. I don't really care how long it took me to make. If I made it, I'll give it away. But I've never really encountered greedy people. I usually always give away singles, because 3Ds/large cuffs are too much for them. Like Starrdust said, I always wear at least 3 or so singles that I made myself specifically to give away. And like Syco said, there's nothing wrong with just saying 'no'.
Sep 28, 2012 10:55 pm
I'll give them singles. If they're my friends, I'll give a cuff or 3d.
Sep 28, 2012 10:18 pm
If its a kid, ill give them a single and tell them to rememeber PLUR, Peace Love Unity and Respect, but if its like teenagers I flat out say no. and walk away. Dealt with idiots for a long time so I got over being nice to them.
  • Starrdust
Sep 28, 2012 9:13 pm
I have specific singles I wear daily that dont mean much to me and i make them specifically for the reason of giving to random people who walk up to me "oh those are cool could I have one?" if I have some of my give aways on me then ill just say sure and teach them the plur handshake. If I dont have some then I ask them if they would mind waiting until tomorrow when I grab some. a lot of the people I do give them to i see always wearing it and it makes me happy
Sep 28, 2012 8:09 pm
I don't give away my kandi at all~ Sometimes random people at school in my grade come up to me and say hey cool bracelets and be like "So which one are you giving me?" -.- I just simply say, I made them myself and they are special to me, sorry but I don't just hand them out.
  • ixlikextrainsxkid
Sep 28, 2012 7:08 pm
I make it for others, but never with the effort or passion or quality that i would for a friend I really care about and know will respect it. when my friends make me bracelets (regaurdless of weather it's kandi or not) i make it a HUGE attempt to wear it EVERYDAY and i only give TRUE kandi to those ik will do the same winking
Sep 28, 2012 11:13 am
I have had this problem before. It gets SOOO ANNOYING!!! But now whenever someone asks if they can have one I simply say "Sorry but I don't give my kandi away. I ONLY trade." I've given a few friends kandi I made ESPECIALLY for them but they brake it, give it away, etc. So I ONLY give it to friend who I can trust and knows about PLUR and the kandi scene. Which only comes down to like one friend :/ but then I know I can go to anothe rrave and trade there and sometimes make new friends tongue