stressed out over my flag (vent, TW mention of T3RF’s)

xXOurLadyOfSorrowsXx 7/1/2023 05:48 pm 373

yeah, TW for mention of TERFs and transphobia. this is long btw (or at least it is for me, im on mobile rn)

i was on twitter today (great place, i know 513b395299300_wacko.gif) looking at mcr shitposts and stuff, when i saw somebody retweeted a tweet of someone calling mcr “my toilet romance” bc i guess they didnt agree with gerard wearing femme clothes or mcr’s pro-LGBTQ stance. i clicked on the replies to see them get thrown into the sun, and then after clicking on their profile to see who they were i realized immediately that they were a TERF (Trans Exclusionist Radical Feminist, for those who dont know) and they were saying some pretty deplorable things abt trans ppl and at some points gay ppl too. in their display name they had three emojis: a green, white, and purple square. basically the genderqueer flag reversed. i googled what it meant and apparently its their little thing: green/white/purple is like their little fuckin bat signal to them or whatever, they use it to denote their shitty terf-ness.

the problem is, im genderqueer.

i have a bunch of genderqueer kandi and at one point wore some genderqueer-themed earrings (i have 3 lobe piercings, so one stud each hole), and im terrified ppl are now gonna think im a terf, or at least the people who ARE the or are familiar with their little signaling scheme are gonna think im one of them. i have a flower cuff that could very easily be accidentally reversed so its GWP instead of PWG if im not paying attention to how im putting it on.

i know this is so chronically online of me but like. idk. we live in the digital age so……most people are like this, i’d assume.

idk what to do. or how to feel. is this a thing thats only caught on WITHIN the terf-freak-spaces or is this a thing known outside their spaces????

im so upset rn………just when i thought i could finally be proud of myself because i finally figured out my identity, i get hit in the head with a brick…

idk what to do 513b39525823e_crying.gif

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Jul 1, 2023 9:31 pm

They got the colors from the old British suffragette flag, because they have decided that they are somehow fighting for women's rights by persecuting trans folks. As a woman, this makes me want to put worms in their hair.

Anyway, wear your colors. They are yours. In the very unlikely even that some dolt gives you Hello, fellow terf!, proudly tell them what your colors mean and that they should go put their bigot head in a coffee can.

Jul 1, 2023 9:10 pm

maybe just wear a single that says "im genderqueer"? idk if this helps tho bc its 12:00 in the morning where i am and im tired

Jul 1, 2023 9:03 pm

CW// M@P/m@p flag mention

i get the panic but i think they couldve made their "bat symbol" like you said similar to the genderqueer flag, just like how the m@p flag was made intentionally to be a very generic, somewhat "universal" almost, like, I've heard "similar to the trans flag" to try and make people think their way of thinking is right.

the color combo could have been right, but I always place intention over everything, and your intention of having gq flag coloured kandi is better than the flag the t3rfs made

sorry if its incomprehensible words, im tired X.x

Jul 1, 2023 6:27 pm

u gave yourself the answer, its chronically online. I know a buncha emoji combos some people use to identify other and ive NEVER heard of that one
plus if u use lots of kandi i doubt people will give it a second thought, theyll just go "oh look one of the many kandi this person has"