Cosplayers,,whats the weirdest experience you've ever encountered?

Monster_Energy_Kid 2/1/2022 07:45 am 2666

like if you were at a con, or just in public cosplaying, what has happened?

im bored in class, entertain me plz

for me its probably the time i was in hottopic and was in a Toga (MHA) cos, this vv nice lady ran up to be and grabbed my arm saying

****warning caps****

"MY BOSS WOULD LOVE YOU AND YOUR FIT COME HERE" and dragged me to another lady (her boss) and her boss just went "Aw cute1.gif" and walked off. it was an experience for sure, but it was also my very first time cosplaying in public,, and i was 13,, i had vvvvvv bad anxiety. she was so cool1.gif

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Feb 8, 2022 6:19 pm

Not a cosplay experience ??? but i dress in trad/romantic/vamp goth fashion (I used to be a decora kid but I still dabble in kandi for fun) and a group of people asked for my picture, and a separate kid asked me who I was cosplaying as tongue

Feb 8, 2022 4:59 pm

@KandiCrunch: (Caps)


  • CoNN13Killz
Feb 8, 2022 4:33 pm

@kandicane: lol i gotta say that 2 some 1 now lol

Feb 8, 2022 4:25 pm

one time i was cosplaying chiaki in public and my mom was looking at through a window of a store or something idk and this group of cool ppl came up to me and one of them said "an offering" and handed me and kandi dick lmao. it was really funny but i was trying not to laugh because my mom was there and i didnt want her to question it.

Feb 8, 2022 10:00 am

At my city's local comic con in like.., 2019? I think?? My younger sibling and I were both cosplaying from mha (He was Midoriya and I was Itsuka Kendo), and this group of other mha cosplayers just walked up to us and were just all screaming and asking us to "join their cult", like- props to them for having fun at the con but they were just being super loud and disruptive and expected us to join in- We kinda just, awkwardly smiled and walked away lol?? So not too bad but still a little embarassing lol.

And sort of a similar situation, but at the last con I went to (Galaxy Con Summer 2021) there were really just a ton of dsmp cosplayers all over the place that were doing the same sort of thing. Just being very disruptive and not very respectful of other cosplayer's space and the venue itself.

(And just for the record, with both of these I don't mean just like, a little rowdy fun but just pure screaming, yelling, getting all up in other people's spaces and running around. So yeah, not too cool.)

So general lesson- just be respectful at cons for the love of god. It's nice to have fun especially if you're there with friends but please keep in mind there are other people there trying to enjoy the space without being harassed/yelled at and ran into please and thank you.

Feb 8, 2022 9:02 am

i was temmie at this harvest fest at my school and my friend thought i was a catgirl ;-;

this was like 3 years ago lmao

Feb 8, 2022 9:01 am

@KandiCrunch: WHAT

Feb 8, 2022 8:58 am

The first time I ever cosplayed I was Frisk and this kid ran up to me and screamed I KNOW WHO YOU ARE and ran away :’) I was very touched by tha

Sometimes I’m just,, existing,, and ppl ask me if I’m in costume bc of my mobility aid. That doesn’t really count but still lol

Feb 8, 2022 8:54 am

i was at the mall in cosplay with ma besties and some 60 year old man said i looked like his divorced wife. shockshockshock

Feb 8, 2022 8:54 am

i was at the mall in cosplay with ma besties and some 60 year old man said i looked like his divorced wife. shockshockshock