Dvmb422's Profile

my hands usually have blood on them /srs

Tuesday May 7, 2024, 6:56 AM




Last online: 5-07-2024 8:08am

Dvmb422's Friends

look at my rentry for little space info, about me, pronouns, triggers, and a bit more!

I'm probably going to be the only femboy, satanist you ever encounter.

Yes, I dress like I say "uwu", but I say hail satan

MEN>>> (in a romantic/sexual way)

Tone tags aren't required but just know I personally use them a bunch so if you see /j and /srs a lot it's just me not you

My current obsessions: ghost (band), that's not my neighbor (game), one of my stories I made (story), someone is always watching (book)

A few more of my interests are in the about me section of my rentry!!

If you like Ghost or any of my other interests PLEASE DM me!!!!!!!! I have an ungodly (literally) amount of ghost headcanons, theories, and AUs that I must share!! I also just like making close friends.

I have chronic (and very graphic) nightmares and Luka from Vocaloid ran over my sister in one. Luka is not very silly >:[

Listen to my stupid rants, and I will marry you. Oh and if you buy me ghost tickets for the pit... I WANNA GRAB SODO'S HAND /j +get silly videos and pics


People who say "cringe", and basic dni stuff (transphobia, homophobia, racism, against harmless stuff like furries etc etc)

Dvmb422's Photos


Trans Heart Cuff!!
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