Jake Adventure Time Kandi Pattern

Jake Adventure Time Kandi Pattern
Made by Crumpet
Description jake adventure time
Date 2010-07-20 17:31:40
Hits 19019
Bead Counts  Light Blue: 98  Black: 67  Green: 6  Yellow: 68  White: 26 Light green :55
Size 32 columns wide x 10 rows tall

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  • xxAngiexx
Aug 19, 2012 6:39 pm
im making one in memory of my broskies R.I.P Kyler <3
  • beatsandmelody
Jul 15, 2014 5:39 pm
I'm currently making this and it's my first cuff. I accidentally started making a flat design, meaning I didn't tie off the first row before I started weaving the following rows. Basically, it's going to be a flat rectangle if I finish. Can I save this by just weaving through all the end beads when I'm finished to make it a cuff shape? Has anyone ever done this before? Or should I just start over? I'm only on row 4.
Jul 16, 2014 2:22 am
@beatsandmelody, if it will end up looking exactly like the pattern does on the screen - a flat, rectangle-shaped panel - then yes that will work. Some people make their cuffs that way. They start out with a flat panel and then tie it up at the end.