Comment Stream

Displaying 91361-91380 of 246770 results.

On April 22, 2022 at 08:08 pm under_achieverx said:

i got that too kao sad

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On April 22, 2022 at 08:03 pm catnoirmybeloved said:

@3DS: i haven’t dyed my hair nor am i a scene kid but my mum used arctic fox dye to dye her hair when she used to

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On April 22, 2022 at 07:40 pm Dustchain said:

Yes that has been happening to me!! i actually clicked on this to see specifically if it would say that here crying

On April 22, 2022 at 07:39 pm junatehrobot said:

bumping bc i found some more broken pages (particularly the "comments stream" page)

On April 22, 2022 at 07:36 pm Angelzx said:

I'm Lloyd/Tommy/Lily, use she/they/he/it/mew pronouns, I'm bi/ace/poly, I love drawing, cosplaying, making kandi, emo/scene fashion, music, DSMP, Ninjago, Fnaf, Anime, and so much more ^^!! /gen /pos

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On April 22, 2022 at 07:24 pm junatehrobot said:

@carcinoGeneticist: i feel like its probs a joke but i wouldn't question it- kao sick

(mainly because i would rather not know if its a joke or not... if its a joke okay whatever, and if it isnt you do you bro but was that bit really necessary???)

On April 22, 2022 at 07:18 pm Ace_StfuRN said:

helloo! im ace/acey(either one works<3). i use they/it pronouns
i love the color green, specifically neon green and forest green! along with blue, black and red
my fav animals are cats(scottish folds are one of my tops), frogs, geckos, possums, and ducks
my music taste- is quite the mix but i enjoy a hell of a bunch of genres-
some of my interests are: skateboarding, kandi, psychology, true crime/forensic stuff, stargazing, astronomy, and many other things.
its v lovely to meet u!!

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On April 22, 2022 at 06:50 pm 3DS said:

@timaeusTestified: ahh thank you! happy jshjshs um what hair dye brand - if youve dyed your hair - would you recommend? I cant really figure out what brands are overall better since the reviews for them are so mixed kao no