Beadspiration: BEADS

YouTube Channel: Justin Bennett

This is a video translation of what the word BEADS means to me, Expressed in the form of spoken word or poetry, written by me. With the intent of opening the minds of others to understand what this is and inspire others to "Become Everything A Dream Should", -B.E.A.D.S. TurboBeads is a free online bead tutorial series, with weekly videos teaching you how to make different bead creations with easy to follow step by step instructions, making the craft of beading super simple. Watching TurboBeads you can learn a range of different techniques bead patterns and ideas! Subscribe to the channel for weekly videos: Learn how to make, Pony bead Creations, Different bead patterns, key-chain charms, pony bead jewelry, bracelets Kandi and much more!


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