Searching Forum for "halloween"

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Displaying 1-21 of 336 results.


i have this idea to have like a school halloween dance. Because i have noticed that elementary usually has all the fun so i thought it would be cool to have something similar but more mature of course cause trunk or treat is a little eh so a halloween dance would be very cool and there could be like different tables with different halloween treats made by maybe different teachers or parents and ofc a table with non peanut stuff for people with allergies idk my family also has loud big …

8/12/2022 01:13 pm 2 274


happy halloween to everyone who celebrates it nyankonyanko!!!!! im omw to a halloween party rn and im wearing the bone bracelet i made!!! has anyone else made any Halloween related kandi? animal03

10/31/2021 04:53 am 6 319


Okay, so for Halloween, I'm supposed to be a zombie princess. I was considering making something Kandi for it, but I have no ideas. Any suggestions?(: Or also, for my Halloween thing at school, I'm dressing as Batman/Batgirl.happy That might be easier to work with. Thanks! ^-^

10/27/2012 03:16 am 5 1553

caps// HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!

i hate myself /j for not saying this sooner but...

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!! halloween is my fav holiday i love it sm

10/6/2021 07:37 am 6 281


tell me what ur being 4 halloween!!!! i get 2 dress up all day on friday 4 halloween at skool and im so excited!!!!!

im going as rainbowbrite!!!!! with kandi as well rainbowsmile

10/27/2021 07:28 am 37 886


i love halloween sm and im so excited for fall!!!

what do you guys love most about halloween????

uhhmmmm and what do you guys wanna be???

i love the whole fall aesthetic and stuff and idk but i love everything idk im excited!!chuck

8/11/2022 12:41 pm 43 1093


guys someone pls give me links to halloween kandi patterns/halloween kandi ideas(ik im 3 months early but [pspspsps im excited)

8/25/2022 11:10 am 6 571

Single ideas (Halloween!!!)

hihi!! I'm gonna be giving out Kandi singles along with candy to trick or treaters on Halloween, so if anyone has ideas for words/themes lmk! Halloween themed are a bonus, but keep it appropriate as these are going to kids.devil

idk what's gonna be popular this year but I'd love to give them bracelets that match their costume (ex. …

9/11/2022 04:27 pm 2 367

Halloween costumes ideas!

So I’ve seen a few of those what are you going as for Halloween, and idk what to go as for Halloween. It would be nice to have a few suggestions and make it public so others can also have ideas on what they could be! You can also add “add-ons” to costume ideas (like makeup, kandi, and/or other accessories)

10/12/2022 07:13 am 0 178

its halloween!!!! :D

my school is playing an elmo halloween song on the speakers crying

i might change my costume plan last minute idk. i would just need to wear a pink wig with my normal clothes and i can just say im emo pinkiepie.

what are you guys being for halloween? big grin

10/31/2022 04:37 am 13 460

Any halloween kandi ideas?

im trying to make a lot of !small! Halloween kandi to hand out at school on Halloween

So far I have:

skulls single

Kandi corn single

Mini pumpkin charm

Mini ghost charm

9/30/2023 10:53 am 16 760

How could I put kandi onto my halloween costume ?

So for halloween I'm being a zombie fox girl, I'll have ears, a tail (which already has a string of green beads on it) and black yeti boots (google them, THEIR AWESOME) I'll most likely be wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt. How do you think I could add kandi? I was thinking about making a choker, do you think that would be cool? -EDIT- I'll also have a Chelsea Grin for makeup

9/14/2013 12:11 pm 1 583

Anyone going to Escape on Halloween?

Hey everybody!

I am planning on attending Escape in So Cal this Halloween. Anyone else going?

Anyone gone to this particular event? If so any good stories, tips, and or general advice?

Its my first festival and I am really looking forward to it as well as showing off my kandi!

And just because: ron 7/18/2015 01:21 am 4 1703

Escape Halloween 2015

Anyone from Los Angeles going to Escape Halloween this year?

9/12/2015 12:33 am 0 992

hey!!! halloween costume!

so hey guys! i JUST found my Halloween costume yesterday... sooo

its a zombie Alice in wonderland! what are your guys costumes?

XD the number of the word costume in this laugh

10/23/2016 01:30 am 3 1558

Halloween Kandi

Will anyone p***ing out Kandi for this year's Halloween?

Imagine how Awesome it would be to give the neighborhood kids some of your creations!

Let me know what yal think about this idea? P***ing out Kandi with Candy!?

10/18/2017 06:10 am 1 1103

halloween hello kitty perlers

im making halloween themed hello kitty perlers and need some ideas for costumes to put her in happy check my patterns before requesting please!! *no characters (batman, disney characters, etc.) no nsfw and it has to fit on a 29x29 peg board please! i can do requests as well <3 hkheart

9/5/2021 10:20 am 30 1585

halloween costumes!

What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?rainbowsmile

9/5/2021 01:09 pm 36 2379

halloween costume help!!

i need help picking out what to be for halloween!

1. coraline jones,i could get more gory and creepy with this one!!

2. robin buckley, i look somewhat like her and shes from my hyperfixation!!

10/5/2021 12:48 pm 0 199

halloween !!!

today we get to wear our halloween costumes so im lydia deetz and my friend is beetlejuice, if some of you want i can get her to email me the picture of us and i can post it . animal06animal01animal04

10/29/2021 08:12 am 4 332

Rob Zombie's Halloween movie, yay or nay?

ok so I'm real biased as I love Rob zombie, he is the reason why me and my uncle bond. But I watched his Halloween a while back and I genuinely liked it. It gave Micheal and his family depth. But that's just my opinion

What's your thoughtsrainbow pony

4/24/2022 04:49 pm 0 115