ED possible relapse

DesiiDamage 8/31/2015 07:17 am 1852

Okay so, in June of 2014 I started to develop an eating disorder. I guess it'd be defined as EDNOS. I never got treatment, I never told my parents. But I was forced into this group in school that taught us how to love ourselves. That kinda helped me get over the disorder. But I fear it might be coming back. I can't stop myself from looking at pictures of starving girls, I hate myself and my body. And I've started to feel some of the same feelings I did before. What's worse is I look forward to after school activities, because I won't have to eat during them. I honestly hope I'm not triggering anybody. I'd hate myself even more then. Right now I AM SO HUNGRY. But all I can think is how shiny and clean my insides are right now, and how strong I must be today. Empty: strong: empty: good. Is all I can think omg

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Sep 1, 2015 6:42 am

tonguePart of me knows that, but it's really hard to force myself to eat.

Sep 1, 2015 12:04 pm

I understand. I've been off and on with anorexia for YEARS. It's really hard to convince yourself to eat. Thinspiration can be very pressuring and horrible. I'm mostly over it now, but I've met some really amazing people who've helped me through these things. I'll be there for you, I promise. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Kay gorgeous? kao love

Oct 7, 2015 6:58 pm

ohh bby me too just hang in there and frickle those ed thoughts!! I know what its like but you gotta be like you know what im stronger than this!!rainbowsmile

Oct 8, 2015 2:22 pm

No one ever got skinny AND healthy by starving them selves. Just eat healthy and stay in the right mind. Besides you won't end up strong, you will be weak and out of energy. If you want to talk or ever have those thoughts then message mehappy I will always answer when I get the chance. We most likely don't know each other but I want to say u are looking very beautiful todayhappy

Oct 8, 2015 4:41 pm

I know how you feel and i struggle with it off and on, and it is hard to get yourself to eat with those thoughts. But let me tell you, if you eat healthy and keep active and push thouse thoughts away. It will be hard but if you have friends to help you through it it will be easyer. if you ever want to talk message me. I may not reply right away but i will get back to you. Stay strong beautiful! heart bounceheart bounce heart bounce

Oct 8, 2015 4:44 pm
*But let me tell you, if you eat healthy and keep active and push thouse thoughts away, it will be worth it.

Sorry got ahead of myself there..

Oct 8, 2015 6:41 pm

sweetheart, don't you know what will happen to you? Your skin will yellow, and your hair will fall out! Don't try to lose weight like that, really, eat better, drink water, and if you want to exercise, go for a walk, or a jog, or if you do sports, do that. You need fuel for your body, amd if you do sports, you especially need to make sure you eat a bit of something before you go! I do taekwondo, and have been for 4 years, I have skied eating afew times, and I literally passed out. Its not good for you, and you won't think straight either. Your brain needs it too. Empty isnt strong. Empty isn't good. If you have things to make a fire, but nothing to burn, is that good? No. If you are freezing cold, and you don't have fire or anything to keep you warm, is that good? No. You have to fuel the fire. You are the fire. The food is your fuel. You need it to survive. You need it to live. You cant do this to yourself, IT IS NOT HEALTHY. those super skinny girls? Not healthy (unless they are naturally like that), the girls in the magazines? Photoshop! You need to take care of your body, fuel your fire!soot sprite