What's your creepiest/weirdest childhood memory?

Daydreamer 4/16/2022 04:20 pm 529

So one time when I was 5-6 me and my siblings were at our grandparents' house but at around midnight my sister blamed something she did on me so my grandma took me home as a punishment and when we got there her and my mom were talking about what "I" did while I played with ants in the front yard, I was trying not to pay too much attention so I didn't start crying or something but then I noticed their voices went silent so I assumed they were done but when I got up and looked at the truck the door was open but they were both gone, I called out for them but neither answered so I thought they went to the backyard for some reason to check but when I continued to call for them and no one answered I started crying and ran inside, I locked the door and started crying on the couch but like probably like 3-5 minutes later my mom starter knocking on the door asking why it was locked and calling me name (at this time my family was very poor so my dad would be at work all night so he wasn't home t the time) I opened the door crying and trying ti ask her where they were but my mom told me to stop because "boys didn't cry" and "nothing happened" then she sent me to my room with no TV even though I was still fucking terrified 514c877238924_rainbowsmile.gif and I know this wasn't a dream because one, at the time I never remembered my dreams, two it's engrained into my memory, and three even my mom claims to remember it 513b55c740178_kao_sick.gif

What about you guys? I love talking about this stuff 513b55c6de216_kao_happy.gif

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Apr 16, 2022 4:52 pm

i have these vivid memories of like a rumbling kind of thing and i remember somehow knowing it was like an angry giant or something like that and i was terrified of it and i like always ran to hide when i heard it but nobody else heard it or was affected idk if i was dreaming this or not bc if i was, it was a reoccurring kind of thing but it wasn’t always in the same setting. everything would b totally normal in my house or at a restaurant and then i would hear it, freak out, hide, nobody else be affected, and the memory just stops and skips to the next thing im sure is real

  • 13Killz
Apr 16, 2022 4:55 pm
when i was about four i had a dream where his man put this painful oil on my hip claiming that it kills demons when i woke that spot hurted and now i have a white spot there but the rlly scary part is that im not sure if i was even dreaming
Apr 16, 2022 4:56 pm

@catnoirmybeloved: that is weird, it almost sounds like a sleep disorder of some kind, does it still happen? I genuinely curious, I'm also a person that believes in different dimensions and time warps to a point kao tongue

Apr 16, 2022 4:57 pm
@13Killz: holy shit- (no pun intended) that really is messed up kao sick
  • 13Killz
Apr 16, 2022 4:57 pm
the man was a stranger that snuck into my room at night
Apr 16, 2022 4:59 pm

@13Killz: I'm getting cold chills at their finest right now mad

  • 13Killz
Apr 16, 2022 5:01 pm
i remember him in perfect detail i have dreams where i am in his body its horrifying as pure terror as a human can experience
Apr 16, 2022 5:04 pm

@13Killz: that is so creepy, I've had some fucked up dreams but not like that-

  • 13Killz
Apr 16, 2022 5:04 pm
i could feel him hold me down and dig his nails into my skin but i also like jerked out of it and i dont know if i passed out and woke up or is it was not real
  • 13Killz
Apr 16, 2022 5:06 pm
yeah its weird i fell like he lives in my soul its very weird hes like a twisted father to me