Where to buy a bunch of small toys?

Deleted Account 8/2/2014 10:33 pm 1645

I look everywhere I can think, thrift stores is where I can usually get things to put on kandi but is there somewhere maybe an online store even where you can buy bags of various toys or party favors to put on kandi? Or just a bunch of anything to put on kandi?

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Aug 3, 2014 8:42 am
dollar stores and crafts stores i find work best cause you can find cute random things for good prices happy
Aug 3, 2014 8:33 am
  • skylanderscamcam
Aug 3, 2014 6:23 am
Hahahahahahahah laughing
Aug 3, 2014 2:56 am
Michael's used to have tons of small toys that were perfect for Kandi. You could also go to places like Target or Walmart for them. Dollar Stores are a good place to find little inexpensive items too. Michael's, Walmart, and Target all have online web-stores so if you want to look online to get some mini toys, you could do that too. It's just a matter of looking around. happy
Aug 3, 2014 2:51 am
eBay is the best place that I've found. There are sellers on there selling charms and party favors, and people selling old figures and McDonalds toys etc. I once bought a huge lot of Neopet plush McDonalds toys. Add the word "lot" to your search query if you want to find listings that have a lot of items. Just be sure to check where the seller is located unless you don't mind the items coming from China and taking a month to get to you.