cringing at something that happened like 9 hours ago + i need crush advice

jetsetcoffin 3/3/2022 08:46 pm 1136

hey girlies/j

at this point im positive that this emo guy in my fourth period likes me, us being the only two emo kids in our grade. for the last two months its been nonstop (awkward) eye contact. at some point during the period he'll glance over and stare at me, (sometimes 40 seconds to a minute) till the minute I notice, he quickly becomes flustered and looks toward the opposing direction.
4 weeks ago he followed me on insta, then I ended up dm'ing him, (shoutout to one of my friends who game me the idea) asking why he followed me. then I got left on read for 6 days, which a h a funny story,, he skipped 4th period for an entire week. then, one Tuesday night at 6pm I finally got a response, that he didn't actually know that I owned the account, but he couldn't match the name to my face, so I told him exactly where I sit. after that, he finally stopped skipping 4th period ??? at some point during this I managed to tell a few friends and now its week after week of just being shipped together, even though he's never said a single sentence to me. like I said, its just day after day of eye contact and randomly staring at each other, or the times I look at him, then he realizes that I am looking at him, then he fixes a piece of clothing or his hair.

yesterday my friend mia literally DRAGGED me to sit next to him in class. so i sat down, and LET ME TELL YOU, palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, moms spaghetti. i literally spent the whole period looking to the left, he was sitting on the right, and my friend mia was sitting to my left. so basically the entire period i literally looked in the opposite direction, avoiding eye contact. mia kept whispering to me and motioning that he was staring at me or something. via text (after school) she told me that he was bending his head slightly so that he could see me. (AYOO??? ????) thats so cute i literally just sobbed/pos anywho, also in that text convo mia also stated that he has a crush on someone in our fourth period, stating that she got that info from one of our other friends, kai, who is friends with emo boy. i am loosing my marbles but im really confused/gen

ANYWHO, onto the crinGE ???? today in pe we had to pick partners for volleyball--

one of my friends we'll call her a, whispered to mia. then as a started walking over to emo boy, as she was walking mia told me that she was walking to go ask him if i can be his partner. as an instinct my anxiety kicked in and i could barely stand, my knees were weak and my body was SHOOK. a comes back, talks to me (i literally do not remember what about) and then says "GO" amd pushes me into his direction and I bumped into him, nearly falling on my booty, but he LITEALLY CAUGHT ME AND ASKED IF IM OK. NO SIR IM NOT OKAY (I PROMISE) then literally we had to practice serving to eachother and i was absolutely tRASH. bro i was literally so bad because 1) i was having a internal panic attack and my body was uncontrollably shaking and 2) i really like him alot.

i am cringing so hard please help

also i cant figure out if he likes me or not

help i need advice

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Mar 4, 2022 6:56 pm


Mar 4, 2022 6:41 pm


Mar 4, 2022 6:18 pm

It really seems like he likes you!!

Mar 4, 2022 5:34 pm

@V4MP1RE_GUTZZ: thank you so much for the ideas! i literally have 0 social skills so this was really helpfull <3

  • CoNN13Killz
Mar 4, 2022 5:34 pm

just ignore it its a bigger deal 2 u than it is 2 him

Mar 4, 2022 5:32 pm

@ouija_board_sys: tysm for the idea!! ill totally do that ! ^_^

Mar 4, 2022 5:05 am

Duuude- give him a single with his name on it and heart beads on it if you have some! Or like his name, emo boy, and a band he likes!!/nf I'm rooting for you please this is adorable! /gen /pos -Loomis

Mar 4, 2022 4:53 am

he definately sounds like he likes u!!! Go for it!

Mar 4, 2022 4:30 am

unless you're not telling us something (shame on you not telling strangers on the internet about every aspect of your love life/j) then he likes you back. Go for it, make sure he knows you like him by giving little hints

Of course you probably shouldn't listen to a person who has never had a partner before lolz

Mar 4, 2022 3:32 am

ok wattpad mc laugh /j

n e wayzz

i think u shuld jus go for it, ur incredibly lucky to have sumbody clearly fall head over heels for u

if u rly like him then jus talk abt small stuff at first, dont go up n b like "YEAH ik ur stalking me but dw bro im stalking u to agagagagsgs" shock just randomly b like "oh i like ur outfit where did u get (x) from?" or idk hes emo so hes probably like drawing or sumthing idk b like "oo i like ur drawing, is it based off of anything?" IF he is drawing idk

also im weird in the sense that, ill like deep dive into somebodys social media accounts (lmao) use that to see if yall have any shared interests n like, subtly bring it up or sum

shit that ive done to get ppls attention cuz idk how to talk heart bounce heart bounce

"accidentally" unplug my earbuds in class, cuz there was an emo kid behind me w a falling in reverse shirt devil

passing notes is a biggie, i have an entire friendship w somebody who just revolves around notes lmaoo

if somebody is talking abt music or shows or movies etc etc ill like, jump in n b like "hey i liked that too blah blah blahshahah"

GIVING PPL I FOUND TO BE AMAZING KANDI SINGLES W STUFF RELATED TO THEM, my faggots: gave one of em a black n white single n a dark red n black single that says mcr, the other i have a single that said korn w variants of brown n sparkly orange n a black n red one, n then the last kid is a punkywunky so i gave him a rainbow single w a safety pin holding it together (it's dirty ass shit now cuz he always wears it LMAO) (i got the first kid into kandi)