tell me abt ur ocs!!!!!!!!

FINNYOFTH3F3NC3 3/7/2022 06:30 am 312

i never stop thinking about funny silly goofy little character s but now!!!! time 2 talk abt silly lil characters!!!!!!!513b39526713b_happy.gif513b39526713b_happy.gif513b39526713b_happy.gif

the other day i made a new oc and its name is ezekiel but since hes brand new the idea juice aint flowing just yet513b39525823e_crying.gif

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  • Cavity_
Mar 7, 2022 6:47 am

pinkicecream2 animal05pink bow Aiko Yua Sasaki!! pink bow

I originally made it for the anime bnha, but I love her too much~!

And mha kinda makes me a lil uncomfy bc of the fandom!


cupcake Age! 15 or 16! (I still haven't decided)

tiniaquabird Voice claim! Sayaka Maizono! (DR1)

cutee purplemushyPronouns! (Undecided?) She/it/its

musical notes Basically has the same interests as me! (Read my profile kao happy)

Aiko has split dye hair!! hkheart

Brown-ish eyes ;w;

Not a lot of info but yeah!

I have more characters but Aiko is one of them!!

Mar 7, 2022 6:51 am

uh- i would show yall but i cant post images-

Mar 7, 2022 6:57 am

i could go on n on lmaoo

my phone at 1% tho


  • CoNN13Killz
Mar 7, 2022 7:02 am

my ocs name is star guy he is the biggest frat boy imagineable and he acts super gay all the time but hes like NaH i AiNT oNE oF ThOsE HomOsExUALs

  • bugz_doez_kandi
Mar 7, 2022 7:32 am

i have a lot of ocs!! most of them i haven't posted to my toyhouse but you can look at it if you wanna see them XD (my toyhouse is r0TT3n-bUgZ)

heres a few select ones:

-nyan cookie!! one of my cookie ocs based off of nyan cat!!! she's so cute :3 she's a little ball of energy

-bugz (my sparkledog /true sona) they are just me like they are me just as a sparkledog owo

-ash, he like kidcore and stuff idk what else to say

i could go on and on about my story that i'm making but i don't wanna trigger people cuz its kinda sensitive and it would take forever and i'm in class so-

Mar 7, 2022 9:53 am

I have a lot so here's just my favs:

Q - basically she was a test subject in a lab and was tested on until she was barely recognizable. She has wings and a dragon tail and her hair and skin is all different colors and stuff, also she quite literally talks in symbols and numbers so my other OC Rebecca (the granddaughter of the woman who tested on Q) has to be her translator

Jessica Vennel - my first OC, she's a vampire leopard human hybrid bc I was a cringy 3rd grader and thought it was the coolest thing ever (also I pretended that she was my imaginary friend so I could scare ppl) she's 24 and she's had a lot of design changes lol

Frankie - OC based on my frog puppet, he's a comedian and his design is based off of herb cookie's herb tea barista costume from ovenbreak. He also has an obsession w frogs and has like 10 of them, a lot of frog plushies & hoodies, and owns a large tapestry of just frogs (also he runs a twitter acc filled w posts of frogs wearing tiny hats)

Mar 8, 2022 5:21 am

i have a couple ocs but ill just be talking abt my main one, also when im talking abt witches im talking abt kinda in the owl house/little witch academia way not the irl witches or evil witches way

her name is octavia, they use she/they, she has white hair with pink raccoon tails in the front ans she wears a witch hat when their at school

shes goes to this school for like magical ppl (?) idk what to call it its like witches,fairys,all that stuff. they comes from a family of very powerful witches, and they expect a lot from her, their parents are kinda like amitys from the owl house just less severe. theres a bunch of different magic stuff i made up in my "oc world" thatll take too long to type out so ill just talk abt what kinda witchy stuff they practices

octavia practices moon magic, which is kinda like spacey, dust, planets, etc type of magic its not evil or anything like it sounds, rlly sun magic is the "evil"magic but like i said its super complicated and stuff

`anyway im not gonna talk abt her whole backstory or anything, just that she was born into a very powerful witch family, went to a very powerful witch school, and her parents expect a lot of them and she cant always meet their expectations, and that makes her all angry abt everything and yeah lmao i love her a lot

Mar 8, 2022 6:01 am

alrighty lol i'll give you the details on my favorite oc, Luna kao kiss

Luna was born to Russian american parents in Moscow and moved to the united states when she was 17. Luna learned English while in the states and once she turned 18, her father signed her up for an experiment that changed her life. while undergoing the experiment, Luna gained magical powers and was highly skilled at her talents. some of these include, telekinesis, teleportation, and healing. now, at the age of 23, Luna uses her powers for the greater good. (thats just the short version of her backstory laugh)