Cosplayers,,whats the weirdest experience you've ever encountered?

Monster_Energy_Kid 2/1/2022 07:45 am 2673

like if you were at a con, or just in public cosplaying, what has happened?

im bored in class, entertain me plz

for me its probably the time i was in hottopic and was in a Toga (MHA) cos, this vv nice lady ran up to be and grabbed my arm saying

****warning caps****

"MY BOSS WOULD LOVE YOU AND YOUR FIT COME HERE" and dragged me to another lady (her boss) and her boss just went "Aw cute1.gif" and walked off. it was an experience for sure, but it was also my very first time cosplaying in public,, and i was 13,, i had vvvvvv bad anxiety. she was so cool1.gif

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Feb 1, 2022 9:59 am

@KorekiyoKandi: Oh wow, thats um...... yeah. i could never. i'd probably cry.

Feb 1, 2022 8:41 am

i was cosplaying out in an arcade and I saw a group of kids that went to my school, i dont think they reckonized me tho-

Feb 1, 2022 8:33 am

i was at a con where the venue was attached to a shopping centre, around lunchtime i was waiting in line at a cafe with my friend (i was wearing a gas mask and had a large pipe as a weapon, cosplaying sabitsuki) and this random lady walked up to me and asked if i smoke weed

Feb 1, 2022 8:23 am

ok so once andy was cosplaying todoroki (a couple years ago) and he was in hot topic and some grown man walked up to him and said "icy hotttt" and andys like "uh ya" and walked away. later he was at guitar center (his dad needed some strings) and someone took a picture w/o consent like um you can ask yk and andy most likely wouldve said yes.

Another time (more recent) kotoko was in her cosplay and going out to get ice cream nearby and the employee was like "aw arent you cute" and kotokos like "thanks! Youre pretty cute for a demon" and when I tell you she gave her the weirdest look ever like "wth not a demon but okkkk" of course she didnt know about kotoko she just liked how she looked.

Oo this is the best one: Nepeta was in her cosplay and she went out to a con and so many people gathered around her. she liked all the friendly people but to remind everyone that nepeta is 13.. someone asked if she did any yk what roleplays and it made her really uncomfortable so she walked away. he kept following her and eventually she told a staff and he was removed from the building (thank god)

anyways thats all I have on the top of my head lol -Finn

Feb 1, 2022 8:06 am

@LesbianThespian: i would LOVE to see that picture lol, thats crazy,, i would do the same thing though

Feb 1, 2022 8:03 am

@ouija_board_sys: oh thats sadsad i also live in the south, a cornfield if you must, and theres a lot of homophobic and judgmental people here, good ol' ohio.. im glad you all had fun though even though they were rude!!!/gen

Feb 1, 2022 8:02 am

i was at my first con and was with my parents because i don't have friends, and my dad was pulling up a map and these two people thought i was waiting to get a picture with them and i was 11 so idk how to say no lol so now i have pics of me with some random cosplayers lmao (i don't even know who the characters are)

Feb 1, 2022 8:00 am

(DSMP warn, some neg, mention of calling someone a slur)

(This is all public at a school in the south so-)

So uh for halloween we got together the things to do Villain Ranboo (And let Ranboo front) and uh- yeah so he got barked at a lot. But it looked really good and the people who knew wanted pictures^^ but uh some kid on our bus called him a slur kao sick but our friend cosplayed as dream and they had fun too^^

The year before that, our host and some friends had a official cosplay day. Our host was SapNap, our friend was Ranboo, and a kinda friend was Tommy. There were a few others as Puffy, eret, and tubbo. over all we're still gonna cosplay at schoolkao happy

we have everything for a cosplay of Billie Lenz and are working to get the stuff for one of me -Vinny

Feb 1, 2022 7:57 am

@ferristhegreat: im glad you haven't because it can be quite nerve wracking lol

Feb 1, 2022 7:56 am

im super lucky to have never had any weird or off-putting experiences hhhhh

ig its because i do lesser-known characters but uh