undertale related question lol

radkin 1/16/2022 06:22 pm 459

how come people call mettaton a "she"? mettaton is refereed to as "he" the whole game- i see fanart of him and like they call mettaton a girl and im like, "no, he's not."

like canonically he's a male, a feminine one yes, but a male- i undertstand people have headcannons but there are some people who just gen think hes a female. is this dum to rant abt??? yes. yes it is.

8 Replies

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Jan 17, 2022 12:41 pm

I haven't seen anyone use she/her for Mettaton for a long time (not since the EARLY days of the fandom), but the game makes it clear he's male. Not to say he couldn't also use she/her pronouns, I could easily see someone headcanoning that and using both sets interchangeably, but MTT is certifiably a man.

  • goldenflowerbed
Jan 17, 2022 11:52 am

not to sound rude but ive never seen that, do ppl do that?? yucky :{ ur totally right he uses he/him

Jan 17, 2022 10:42 am

@CybrBoy: * preach. - sans.

Jan 17, 2022 10:19 am

i feel like that happend for chihiro form danganronpa, alot of peopl think he is trans and use she/her but it is like known that he was just scared to be called weak so he dressed up as a girl. People know he is a boy but still use she/her pronouns... idk its weird bc it feels like sterotyping feminin things to girls and she/her pronouns.

Edit: i feel like anytime there is a non-masc presenting man in any game/move people always assume he is trans. This goes for bruno from encanto! Soooo many people "headcannon" him to be trans, just because he isnt masculine? But me as a trans man would be SO offended if someone who didnt know i was trans referd to me as such just because i am not the traditional man. this goes for almost every feminin man in any video game/show/anything.

Another edit: This is not to say that there arent ANY games, shows or animes with transgender characters. In anime alone there are around 50 animes with transgender characters that I know of personally. Realisitically there are probably around 100, which isnt saying much out of the around 6,000 animes there are.

Jan 17, 2022 8:22 am

* i don't really get it, i mean, ain't the entire point is that he transitioned? in source, toby uses mettaton being a ghost originally and then usin' the robot body in ways that really read "trans-coded", i mean seriously, "he was uncomfortable in the body he was born in and then asked alphys to make him a body that he is now comfortable in", how is that not trans-coded, especially with how progressive undertale was/is.
* i kinda read it as transphobia (unintentional, where people just didn't realized or intentional, had a kid argue with me that he's a girl and the source don't mean anythin' because he looks like a girl??? like feminine guys just, don't exist i guess) when people misgender 'im but that's my opinion. after all, not the biggest thing in the world. - sans.

  • CoNN13Killz
Jan 17, 2022 7:01 am

i used to think that honestly its just cus i cant read for shit

Jan 17, 2022 6:58 am

probably they just get confused honestly, same thing happens to frisk and chara scxept their pronouns are they/them rather than he/him

and the same for napstablook- using he or she rather than they

Jan 16, 2022 7:30 pm

I mean it could just be based on how they think he looks I mean when I was younger I thought mettaton was a girl, but not for a long time lo shrug