All Questions

Use this area of the site to ask and answer questions about kandi. These are casual questions and answers - more like a forum - so there's not an option to select the "best" answer. However, you will earn points for each question you ask & answer.

Displaying 6341-6350 of 17267 results.
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Any emo bands i should know??

4/8/2022 06:42 pm 26 1173

Help with a 3d kandi project?

8/14/2022 09:30 pm 2 632

JEWELRY IDEAS (for a costume)

8/16/2022 02:00 pm 0 111

Anyone have a good Spotify playlist?

8/14/2022 04:33 pm 4 358

What are your quintessential emo songs?

8/14/2022 05:36 pm 20 632

In need of ideas

8/15/2022 05:57 pm 1 374

kandi friendsss

8/15/2022 06:06 pm 5 275

how can i get back into making kandi???

8/15/2022 05:30 pm 3 488