How to end a belt off well?

Deleted Account 5/9/2012 09:00 am 1653

I know you can just end it like you normally do a cuff, but where would you get those clips things? Umm kind of like those backpacks that have the clips around the chest area, where have you found those at?

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Jun 23, 2012 7:09 pm
I actually just use biggish buttons and attach it to one end, (if the belt is 6 rows tall I use 2 buttons) and then I make a loop with 10 or 11 beads (should depend on the size of your button) and that's how I close them. I do the same on the backs of my bikinis and on the sides of my skirts.
  • Kittycorn
May 11, 2012 3:12 pm
I literally just cut one off of an old back pack. For the tying off you could just tie knots off with the stretchy clear string so it's less noticeable. Here is how mine turned out( I used colored string):
  • electrical
May 10, 2012 10:45 am
I believe what you're talking about is a side-release buckle! You can probably find them offline whenever notions (sewing supplies and accessories) are sold, such as craft stores, sewing stores, or even Walmart.
  • BabyRuBear
May 9, 2012 10:34 pm
Well, for my belt (you can see it on my profile), i used one of those clips you're talking about. Luke you said, you can get it off some backpacks, or duffel bags, fannypacks, or sometimes dog leashes and collars, which is where I got mine. And then you just tie each end separately instead of connecting them like a cuff. Well, hope I helped.